
Meatco and Nafau sign recognition procedural agreement

Home Business Meatco and Nafau sign recognition procedural agreement

The Meat Corporation of Namibia (Meatco) and the Namibian Food and Allied Workers Union (Nafau) signed the revised recognition and procedural agreement last week.

A recent media statement from Meatco indicates that the main highlight of the new agreement is the change to the employees who fall under the bargaining unit as A1-B2, which is now extended from A1-B5. This means that all employees that fall within the bargaining unit currently will be represented by the union during salary increment negotiations and other pertinent matters.   

Under the newly signed agreement, the parties were tasked to review the provisions of the agreement and to update outdated provisions such as where the previous agreement made reference to the 1992 Labour Act (Act 6 of 1992) while there is a new Act in place. 

The agreement recognises Nafau as the exclusive bargaining agent representing employees who fall under the bargaining unit at Meatco. It also recognises and acknowledges that sound and equitable relationships between employer and employees are essential for the promotion of goodwill, productivity and economic well-being of Meatco employees. Furthermore, it recognition regulates the communication and negotiations between Meatco and Nafau as well as conform to the provisions of the Labour Law Act and related Laws of Namibia. 
The statement notes that Nafau’s deputy secretary general Willem Absalom, thanked the committee that was appointed to review the draft document from both Meatco and the employees’ side. 

“Although, there were very heated deliberations between the parties, a positive agreement was eventually reached and now we have a document that is guiding us and in-line with the current Labour Act. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Meatco’s management that witnessed the signing of this agreement and urged them to adhere to the provisions of the agreement going forward,” said Absalom.   

Meatco Chief Executive Officer, Mwilima Mushokabanji also said the signing of the document is a reflection of a new season and century. 
Said Mushokabanji: “We see it as a renewal that defines an alternative future in terms of how we engage with the employees and Nafau in the future. I think we see ourselves as one Meatco, the employees and Nafau we will keep on relying on your wisdom and leadership so that ultimately the well-being of the employees remains supreme at all times.”  
The first recognition and procedural agreement between Meatco and Nafau was adopted in 2008. The current agreement will be in place until such time that either party propose amendments to it.