Spike in crime rate since booze sales ban lifted

Home Crime and Courts Spike in crime rate since booze sales ban lifted

Steven Klukowski

The public behaviour following the partial lifting of the ban on alcohol sales in the //Kharas region is posing a challenge for the maintenance of law and order, said regional crime investigations coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Chrispin Mubebo.
He raised the concern during an interview with New Era, indicating that the crime statistics for the first week of June in the region are almost equal to that of the whole of May this year. 

“Prior to the implementation of stage 2 of the state of emergency, we had 78 crime incidents reported for May 2020 in Keetmanshoop, but since the lifting on the ban of alcohol sales on 2 June, statistics already indicated more than 70 crime cases in the town,” he explained. 
According to Mubebo, the statistics are worrisome and that reckless and negligent driving and culpable homicide are topping the list of crimes committed so far this month. 

“We are furthermore fearing that incidents of crimes might increase with nearing paydays as from the 20th of June when consumers will be in a position to purchase more alcohol,” said Mubebo. 
As a concern, he said it is very difficult to enforce measures aiming to curb further spread of the coronavirus such as social distancing on intoxicated people.

“We do not really experience cases of the illegal sale of alcohol as was the case before and it might be attributed to the fact that citizens do buy more alcohol during hours of operation at outlets, thus not really needing to expand on stock after hours,” the crime coordinator added.
Mubebo could not give clarity on what measures might by implemented by authorities should crime statistics keep on rising in the region due to the resumption of the sale of alcohol.

Government announced on 2 June 2020 with the implementation of stage 2 of the state of emergency, that alcohol sales may resume, but under restricted hours of operation, namely 12h00 until 18h00 on weekdays and 09h00 until 13h00 on Saturdays, whilst the sale of it is prohibited on Sundays and public holidays. 
– sklukowski@nepc.com.na