
Foundation spends N$300 000 on retirees’ home

Home National Foundation spends N$300 000 on retirees’ home

The senior citizens sheltered at Tsumeb’s Martin Shailemo old age home had a collective sigh of relief after individuals and companies joined forces to rehabilitate the once dilapidated retirement home.
It is located in the low-income residential area of Nomtsoub.
The retirees’ home that accommodates 20 pensioners was revamped for N$300 000.
The building was in a poor state where ceilings and the roof had fallen apart, coupled with broken and blocked sewerage and an old water system. 

In addition, broken sleeping beds, worn-out mattresses and linen exacerbated the situation. This is, however, a thing of the past as the retirees have received new bedding in addition to the refurbished home brought to standard through the generosity of Yambeka Foundation. 
“Through donations from various stakeholders, we have been able to accomplish the goal of purchasing 25 high quality mattresses, including protectors, fencing, painting, fumigation, plumbing, fixing of ceilings as well renovation of the dining hall. We also provided more than 50 blankets. All this was done on free labour from individuals and companies, to uplift the health standards and livelihood of our pensioners,” stressed foundation coordinator Wendy Itewa.

Itewa single handedly solicited funds from various stakeholders, saying she was compelled to extend a helping hand to the elderly due to her grandmother who she lives with. 
“I have lived with my grandmother and I felt obliged to also take care of other elderlies living in impoverished conditions, thus I wouldn’t wish to see my own living in such a state,” she added.

“This project is a continuation from last year, where I intended to give something and spent time at the old age home on my birthday in July. At the time, I was focused on providing blankets, I received overwhelming support and decided to also provide mattresses. But by the time I got all the things together, it was way past winter. Then I thought to myself why should I give stuff while their living conditions are in a bad state? That’s how I initiated the idea about renovating the place, of course with the support of the community and business fraternity,” said Itewa.
She further indicated that more work still needs to be done as she plans to put interlocks at the facility as well as set up a garden to boost food sustainability for the elderly pensioners.
– osimasiku@nepc.com.na