
Praise and gratitude to ‘selfless’ MTC…sponsorship beneficiaries in awe

Home Sports Praise and gratitude to ‘selfless’ MTC…sponsorship beneficiaries in awe

Maurice Kambukwe

Beneficiaries of the MTC mega multi-million sponsorship announced this week in the capital yesterday came out in droves to shower the local telecommunication giant for recognizing and investing in them.
MTC on Tuesday announced multiple sponsorship deals with a record seven sport codes amounting to about N$55 million in total over three years, which will now see major and minor sport codes getting much-needed financial assistance.
The manifold sponsorship deals, catering a record 11 sports bodies, amounts to about N$55 million and will run for three years with effect from 1st October 2020 until October 2023.

Speaking to New Era Sport yesterday, vice-president of the Namibia Rugby Union (NRU) Walter Don had nothing but praise for MTC, saying the sponsorship will go a long way in assisting the union to implement its various programs.
The NRU’s Get Into Rugby initiative received a three-year N$2.7 million sponsorship from MTC and will see the youth development rugby program getting N$900 000 annually.

The sponsorship, Don said, comes at a crucial time when the NRU is placing serious emphasis on the grassroots development of rugby countrywide.
“The sponsorship is extremely significant as it will assist in expanding rugby to those neglected areas. It will help cater mostly for the young players and we look forward to getting the sport to all corners of the country. We appreciate MTC for this big sponsorship deal,” said an appreciative Don.

Also extending their word of gratitude to MTC was Marthinus de Waal, president of the Horse Racing Association, who said the three-year N$1.5 million is vital for the horse racing sport and will bolster their plans of becoming one of the biggest codes in the country.
“Thanks to MTC for recognising our efforts as a sport code, it’s a great achievement to get this sponsorship. We will make sure our infrastructures are improved and continue growing the sport. We are looking forward to organizing bigger events that will attract a lot of people and in that way also help market the MTC brand. We will also focus on training and nurturing new talents,” said De Waal.
The Namibia Hockey Union (NHU) was also a recipient of a N$1 million per year sponsorship for the next three years and its president Marc Nel yesterday also showered MTC with praises and message of gratitude for the sponsorship.
Nel said things at the union will now become much easier knowing they have an unwavering partner in MTC and the execution of their programs will be smooth.

“Thanks to MTC for the sponsorship, I think they came in at the right time. The sponsorship will assist us in our preparations for international competitions because over the past years it has been up to us to make these arrangements. Now that we have a sponsor, we can definitely take part in every competition going forward,” said a thankful Nel.

Recipient of a N$4.2 million three-year sponsorship deal from MTC was Netball Namibia (NN) and its vice-president Rebecca Goagoses said that they are delighted by the inclusion of netball in the MTC sponsorship package. 
Wih the help of the new MTC sponsorship, Goagoses said NN can now provide more opportunities to players from all parts of the country, which see new players and coaches emerging.

“This [sponsorship] will allow us to have the opportunity to have a national league, which will help in discovering new talent. We can now scout players from all around Namibia, unlike when trials were only being held in the capital in the process denying others an opportunity to showcase their talents. This will help in strengthen regional structures though everything is well in order, I think it’s a good time for netball. As for the national team, we want to compete in Africa and play with the best teams on the continent. That will lead us to qualify for the 2023 Netball World Cup in South Africa,” said Goagoses.

Fast-growing youth league, the Hopsol Youth Soccer League, was recipient of an annual sponsorship of N$500 0000 for over three years. One of the coordinators of the Hopsol Youth Soccer League Herald Fuelle also heaped a massive word of gratitude to MTC for choosing to invest in the development of youth football and for recognizing the HopSol league as the perfect platform to invest in.
“This is a recognition of the good things we have been doing, so far we are still to discuss some of the things we are looking at implementing. We will have a league planned for the U/9 to U/17,” said Fuelle.
– mkambukwe@nepc.com.na