Senior policeman appointed area induna

Home National Senior policeman appointed area induna

The Mafwe Youth Forum, an apolitical body of youth under the Chinchimane/Linyanti Khuta of Chief George Simasiku Mamili, congratulated Masule Mutau for being appointed silalo (area) induna for Maunga-Malihela.

Masule, a chief inspector in the Namibian police, made history when he was recently appointed as the youngest ever silalo induna for Maunga-Malihela by the Khuta of Mafwe Chief George Simasiku Mamili in the Zambezi region. The congratulatory message was conveyed by Sibuku Malumbano, the secretary general of Mafwe Youth Forum, an apolitical body that serves as the transmitting belt for the main Khuta at Chinchimane cementing its values so that the youth are encouraged to live in harmony with other cultural groupings. In its message, the Mafwe Youth Forum, comprising a chairman, vice chairman, secretary general, treasurer and organiser, stated: “To start with, any person should first ask him or herself what language do I speak? What holidays do I celebrate? What is my racial identification? What is my ethnic identity? What is my culture? Why is cultural diversity important?” “Our culture is what shapes us. It shapes our behaviour and our identity. Culture is a way of living, it refers to the shared beliefs, values, norms, behaviours and material objects that are passed down from one generation to the next,” stated Malumbano.

“It is with the above statement that the entire rank and file of the Mafwe Youth Forum hereby join in celebrating Mutau being sworn in as an induna.”  “Moreover, be assured that we don’t just celebrate your indunaship but we also dully recognise you as our traditional leader. We respect your role as the new induna silalo. We acknowledge the validity of different cultural expressions and contributions that you will perform in your areas of jurisdiction and among Mafwe tribe,” Malumbano stressed.

“However, we shall, at all times, value your contribution and also respect what other cultures offer. We stand firmly in appreciating the Mafwe Traditional Authority for having noticed that youth are tomorrow’s leaders – that interprets your dignified sworn-in as one of its kind,” he said. “Our hope to your roles is to encourage you to contribute tirelessly to the cultural values, norms, guidance, leading, supervise and organise your subject to the best ability of your leadership skills and qualities as leaders are being appointed by the Man above us.”