At Home With: Shilongo Peuyavali Ashipala AKA Kanibal

Home Lifestyle At Home With: Shilongo Peuyavali Ashipala AKA Kanibal

Kanibal opens up

Paheja Siririka

His biggest wish and if he had the means and ways to is to ensure that Namibian Radio & TV plays 50 % Namibian music, and for corporates to at least sponsor one artist for a year as part of their corporate social responsibility.
Namibian rapper and Producer Shilongo Peuyavali Ashipala, also known as Kanibal or shortly Kani said he wants talented musicians to afford to be professionals and exhibit their art at the highest level as the music ‘industry’ is not self-sustaining.

Education and radio
The former Fresh FM 102.9 Namibia Station Manager and seasoned radio presenter has IT-related qualifications: A+ Hardware/Software Technician, N+ Network Technician. Because of not finding a job in the field he studied, he somehow fell for the radio bug by chance when his mother showed him an advert in the papers.
“I couldn’t find a job in Information Technology, and my Mom saw an ad in the newspaper for auditions for radio presenters, she cut it out and gave it to me. Thank you, Mom. I love radio.”
He has worked for stations such as Base FM, formerly known as Katutura Community Radio (KCR), 99 FM, and now does content creation and on-air presenting at COTA FM.
“The initial reason for joining radio was to do something the whole day so my Mom doesn’t complain about what a lazy bum I am and to impress girls.”
If he was not in the profession he is right now, he would like to work at an advertising agency as a copywriter, graphic designer for print, or creating TV/Radio ads. “It is a dream creative environment for me, very similar to the one I am in now. I must give credit to the people I work with (Anthony Auchab, Justine Hamupolo, Errol Geingob, Tao) who inspire me every day to dare to find my full creative potential,” he attributed.

With a strong and deep-rooted family, Kanibal couldn’t wait to start having his own and he currently has a five-year-old son Jeremiah Junior, known as J.J. Kanibal is currently “Too single”. I guess he is ready to mingle, plus J.J needs siblings and time is on no one’s side.

Music and drawing
In a world where artists release albums to make a major impact in the industry with sales, Kanibal tends to release music for free. In 2018, he released Rebirth after been missing in action from the industry for four years.
Kanibal this year once again released a free album, amapiano themed. 
Originally from Oshakati, Kanibal is a musician before anything else. “I knew I always wanted to do art. One thing that people don’t know about me is I can draw well. It’s just that music excelled first. I can also draw and paint.”
 He said the one thing that makes him appreciate music more, especially hip-hop is the fact that is culture expressed through art. Kanibal is known for being an amazing lyricist who writes very intense and personal music.
A day in the life of Kanibal
Like everybody, a routine is important for Kanibal. “I wake up, workout, shower, and get to work, get home, eat, review my day, ideas, and plan the next day. Throughout the day I am hit by random ideas, so I write them down so I can review them when I’m comfortable. They are mostly rubbish, but now and then I am hit by a gem, which I start developing immediately. Through the night if need be.”
Like the IT technician he is, it seems obvious that he will be a fan of gaming. “I love playing and watching football. I play computer games, read fiction, watch professional wrestling (WWE, AEW, Impact) Sci-fi series and movies, romantic comedies, 90’s Hip Hop & RnB music, and reading or watching anything that will give me new knowledge.”
He used to be a fan of vodka but has resorted to drinking coffee with three sugars and he is a huge fan of Namibia’s delicacy- Kapana. 
In terms of socialising, one would think Kanibal is a laid back person. “? I’m not “relaxed” or “laid back” at all. I’m the opposite. I’m loud, dramatic, and over the top. My mind is always doing something intense. It’s very exhausting, to me, and people around me. I’m working on controlling it. It’s also very productive and effective when necessary.”

Pet peeves
“I am annoyed by people who have no compassion, people who are egotistical, and people who say “I have no filter, I just keep it real”. That is stupid. There are 7 billion people on this planet, what would happen if everyone just said whatever they felt like, all the time? How would the world function? The way I see it, diplomacy, humility, and tact are signs of intelligence.”

Food for thought
Kanibal said the best three qualities every Namibian artist should have must be creativity, humility, and professionalism.
What he would tell his 10-year-old self is that adulthood is going to be difficult. “But if you trust your instincts if you pay attention when people speak (anyone) if you apply yourself with discipline and allow your ideas to grow if you acquire knowledge at every opportunity, and if you learn to love yourself, you will find your way. Also, please stay away from alcohol and drugs. Don’t even try. Nothing good comes of them, only pain and regret.”