At home with Rosalia Martins-Hausiku – Greatest battles are from within

Home Lifestyle At home with Rosalia Martins-Hausiku – Greatest battles are from within

Having recently celebrated her 39th birthday, Rosalia Martins-Hausiku says that when it comes to following in people’s footsteps as a way of inspiration, it is never easy, but it is possible and the greatest battle to win, is the battle from within.
The married tricenarian and mother of three boys aged four, seven and 12 is a prayer warrior who makes sure she stays in touch with her spiritual being. 
She hinted: “When I am stressed, I usually spend time in worship and praise and just retreat in prayer or I will go to the gym or for a run. Sometimes I get into a spa.”
Rosalia is currently serving her second term as the chief executive officer (CEO) of the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund of Namibia (MVA).

With an impeccable academic record from reputed institutions of higher education, the trained journalist obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies, Unam, and also has a Master of Arts in Culture, Communication and Media Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal which she obtained in 2007. 
Rosalia furthermore holds a Master’s in Business Leadership (MBL), Unisa School of Business Leadership, Midrand in South Africa.

“I am a trained journalist/media practitioner. Growing up in Rundu, I was always selected to be part of the National Children’s Day of Broadcasting and fell in love with media. After university, I started in public relations, but the environment got me interested in learning more about the business, then I went to school to learn more about leadership in other areas such as strategy, human resource (HR) and operations and that’s how I became chief of operations at the MVA Fund before my current CEO position.”
The passion has always been journalism. “My initial aim when I joined journalism was to one day work for CNN, but at varsity, I started seeing myself more in the corporate world. When I studied business leadership, it was an opportunity for diversification and expanding my boundaries.”
If she wasn’t in the position she is right now, Rosalia would be tapping into coaching and mentoring young people in corporate and business. “This is what I am currently training for, I am pursuing a Master’s in Philosophy in Management Coaching. In my spare time, I would also do interior décor for the love of it.”

Fitness is a must for Rosalia, hence before Covid-19, she would be in the gym at 05:00. “At 06:30, I am usually busy preparing breakfast for the boys and packing lunch boxes whilst my husband dresses them for school. At 07:30, I am already at the office or I start with back-to-back meetings.”
The day’s activities continue up until she leaves the office between 17:30-18:00. “When I get home, I wash the boys, make dinner, take turns with hubby on homework and then clean kitchen whilst hubby takes boys to bed. When the house is quiet about 21:00, it’s time to catch up on work, news for the day and studies and between 12:00 – 01:00 it’s prayer time, this used to be before Covid-19.”

“Now, I wake up at 06:00 and get to the office by 07:30. I go to the gym after work and then the rest of the evening is pretty much the same pre-Covid-19.”
There are weeks when she works from home so it requires ensuring that the boys connect to their remote classes on time and preparing snacks to get them through the day, while she gets through her work.
Due to her busy life, Rosalia never gets ennui. “Quiet time with music in my room whilst reading books, I am such a busybody that I don’t get bored, my day is filled up with so many activities but after a long day, I want to come to a clean house and three boys and a husband greeting me with hugs and kisses.”

She is tranquil and unruffled, but surprisingly, that’s not how she had always been while growing up. “I was not always this collected or quiet; growing up my mom felt that I was very talkative. As I grew up, I became more reserved and introverted, but when I am familiar with someone I would usually open up. On the other hand, my job requires me to be extroverted at times, and this I had to learn, it did not come naturally to me.”
“I sometimes shout and get angry yes, but prefer not to, and I seldom scream at the top of my lungs. There is just a certain presence in quietness,” hilariously mentioned Rosalia.
What most people don’t know about her is that she grew up a tomboy (a girl who enjoys rough and noisy activities traditionally associated with a boy). “What many don’t know about me is that I grew up a tomboy – playing soccer in the street with boys.”
On any given day, her preferred drink would be green tea with no sugar. “Of late, I take coffee here and there, then it would be on average two sugars or with honey.”

If you want to be in the presence of great thinkers like Rosalia, make sure you don’t have narcissistic tendencies or are self-absorbed. “People with a narcissistic personality are a complete turn-off. The same goes for those who are ignorant of diversity in others.”

Rosalia believes the best qualities of any leader should entail having the ability to energise the team they are in. “Another best quality of a good leader is leading authentically and having good communication skills.”

“I would tell her that she is heavenly approved. Life is a journey full of valley moments and mountain top experiences. Discover your purpose, be persistent and consistent and you will achieve it.”