Oshikoto assists households who lost harvests

Home National Oshikoto assists households who lost harvests

OMUTHIYA – The Oshikoto Regional Council has undertaken an initiative in which it seeks to procure mahangu from local farmers, with a view to assist some residents who lost their produce in fire incidents.

Assistance will also be provided to households and individuals who are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the San community. 
A memo was last week sent to all 11 constituency control administrators in which they were requested to source three or more sealed quotations from community members who have surplus of mahangu and willing to sell.

The quotation should include the amount per kilogramme and the mass value to be supplied. 
“This is an initiative by the council to assist the less fortunate individuals in the region who find themselves in dire situation of starvation under these uncertain times. Some of the local farmers lost their produce due to fire immediately after harvesting, so such people are in need of food and remain a priority,” said chief regional officer Frans Enkali.

“So, council resolved to use the little amount within its confines to try and bring change and hope of life to our less fortunate members of the community who are the backbone of the developmental agenda. We cannot wait for central government through the office of the prime minister to come in, what if that doesn’t happen, what will then become of our people?”
In the same manner, Enkali clarified the process should not be misconstrued as peddling favouritism at the end of the day, but it is a transparent procedure which was put on tender. 

“The public should take note that no one will be favoured as we will not look at identities or social relations, but strictly based on the requirement such as the quantity, price and so on,” he remarked.
– osimasiku@nepc.com.na