GIPF appoints new investment consultants

Home Business GIPF appoints new investment consultants

The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) has confirmed the appointment of two new investment consultants. Lane Clark & Peacock LLP will consult on investments, while BFinance UK Limited will consult on the selection/search of asset managers. 
Both entities are domiciled in the United Kingdom and a GIPF statement says both bring a wealth of financial and investment expertise to the Fund. The selection process, which was advertised late last year, was guided by and in full adherence of the Fund’s Procurement policy. 

“The three-year contracts commence on 1 October 2020, and replace the outgoing financial advisory company, RisCura Consulting (Namibia), who was appointed as the Funds’ investment advisor in 2009. I would like to thank Riscura Consulting for the immense contribution they made to growing the Fund to its current asset value,” said David Nuyoma, GIPF CEO and Principal Officer.  
 A statement by the Fund noted it looks forward to building a successful and strong business relationship with the new consultants who will aid in the Fund’s mandate to safeguard and grow the Fund for the benefit of its members.