Swartbooi decries housing conditions in Walvis Bay

Home Front Page News Swartbooi decries housing conditions in Walvis Bay

WALVIS BAY – The Landless People’s Movement leader Bernadus Swartbooi says the disparities between the rich and poor, especially when it comes to housing at Walvis Bay, was a shame.
Swartbooi, who over the weekend addressed supporters at Walvis Bay and Swakopmund where he launched the party’s election campaign for next month’s regional council and local authority elections, said he observed how the elite of Walvis Bay are living large and sleeping peacefully with the sounds of the ocean.

“… While the poor live in shacks and tents, listening to the noise of shebeens.  We have observed all the posh houses,” he said.
Swartbooi also suggested that some of the unoccupied homes be rather turned into shelters for abused women and children as well as for the homeless.

According to the former land reform deputy minister, it shows that the electorate have an opportunity to change their destiny by exercising their democratic right.
“We have a choice to elect people who will lead into the light or further into darkness. Therefore, give an opportunity to those who have solutions to your problems instead of those who make empty promises every year,” Swartbooi said. He said no party is bigger than the people who voted them into power, adding that some politicians believe they are more important and irreplaceable, thereby disregarding the wishes of the electorate.

He then explained LPM local authority candidates sign a performance agreement with the party’s national auditing committee that will rate their performances at least every three months.

“We will rate them according to their performance and will release them to go back to their families if they don’t perform, as we don’t have time for lazy people. We would rather host by-elections than keeping incompetent people in positions,” he said.
Swartbooi appealed to his party candidates to listen to the people and work in unison with them to improve their living conditions and bring about change in the respective communities they will serve.
– edeklerk@nepc.com.na