Oshana offers support to rural farmers

Home National Oshana offers support to rural farmers

Oshana governor Elia Irimari says although youth unemployment is a national problem, the regional council on its part continues to implement rural development programmes to help create employment opportunities for young people.
He explained programme activities range from providing support to poor rural farmers to empowering unemployed youth to develop successful business enterprises and create job opportunities for the other members of the community.

“Unfortunately, this year trade exhibitions have not taken place in the region due to the global pandemic, but this is one of the opportunities most young people look forward to, as they get to promote their businesses, products or services, and network with different partners to explore economic opportunities,” he told New Era in an interview.
On land issues, he said, Oshana’s three local authorities have made significant land delivery despite the challenges they face. 

In this regard, he said Ondangwa availed about 1 400 erven, Ongwediva about 1 700, and Oshakati with more than 4 000 erven in the last two financial years. 
On yearly floods, Irimari noted it is unfortunate that most parts of the region are prone to floods, and this is a challenge that all stakeholders are trying hard to address. 

“I should indeed commend our local authorities for their tireless efforts to ensure that flood impacts are minimised. Currently, all town councils have a storm water master plan which is guiding them in dealing with storm water around the towns, they also develop storm water channels each year and this is a continuous process until the entire town is covered,” he maintained. 

He clarified that the regional council did not spend hard cash on relocating flood victims. According to him, it was the Oshakati town council that provided the land and logistics during the last floods, which affected the town.
He mentioned the regional council only provided temporary shelter to the flood victims. “Other than that, the role played by the regional council was one of coordination of the relief effort made by different stakeholders, including government, especially the office of the prime minister, local authorities, and private businesses, NGOs,” Irimari said.
Moreover, he highlighted that all three local authorities have plans in place for the expansion of the oxidation ponds as the respective towns grow. 
– anakale@nepc.com.na