Murder accused skips judgement day

Home Crime and Courts Murder accused skips judgement day

The Windhoek Regional Court has issued a warrant of arrest against a local man who is on trial for allegedly stabbing his brother to death last year.
Immanuel Nepela (30) was scheduled to appear in court yesterday for judgement after his trial came to an end earlier this month. 

However, he failed to show up. 
“We tried to communicate with the accused person but to no avail. His phone is unreachable, so we obviously do not know where he is,” said Uajakuje Kazapua, Nepela’s defence lawyer.
Thus, magistrate Vanessa Stanley issued a warrant of arrest against Nepela. 
She further made an order to have his bail money of N$2 000 provisionally forfeited to the State. 
But the court made the final forfeiture to be on 2 November.

Nepela, a taxi driver by profession, is on trial on a charge of murder for allegedly killing his brother Salatiel Nghiyolwa (33). 
Nghiyolwa died on 18 June 2019 after he was stabbed with a knife whist in his shack at Eehambo dhaNehale informal settlement in Havana, Windhoek.

During the trial, Soini Nghiyolwa, a sister to the accused and victim, testified that Nghiyolwa took firewood the previous week to Nepela for his grilled meat business. 
The agreement was that Nepela would give Nghiyolwa N$20 for the firewood later in the day.
Later on, the brothers got into the argument over the payment of the wood. It is alleged that Nepela then pushed and overpowered Nghiyolwa, who dislocated his arm and strangled him, causing him to pass out for some time. 
It was the sister’s testimony that the accused, who was panicking, called her to relate the ordeal but at the same time, the victim had regained consciousness.

However, the argument allegedly continued the following day and family members suggested the brothers should be separated. 
It was the family’s decision that Nepela should move out of their shared shack. Furthermore, they suggested that Nepela should go to the north (Ovamboland), an order he allegedly refused. 

One of the State witnesses allegedly saw Nepela later that night, crying while following the main road in the location. Witnesses testified that Nepela was allegedly seen holding a bloodstained knife, saying that he had just killed his brother. 
Nghiyolwa was found in their shack, lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

According to the post-mortem report prepared by Dr Leena Ashipala, three penetrating stab wounds were observed: one to the upper quadrant of the abdomen and two to the bicep muscles. She concluded the victim died from excessive bleeding and hypovolemic shock, which was caused by the stab wound to the abdomen.
Nepela has since denied guilt, stating he never had any intention to kill his brother. 
Sirka Nangolo is prosecuting for the State in the matter. 