
Tashia TRAVELS – Personal finance tips for overseas travel

Home Columns Tashia TRAVELS – Personal finance tips for overseas travel

Today, I embark on a special journey that’ll see me going to exotic destinations as I navigate the world with no real plan for six months, powered by Standard Bank Namibia. Travel, especially when going abroad, can become very expensive, very quickly. Personally, I know of many who have given up on the opportunity to travel because of the financial burden it may cause. 

Fortunately, there are strategies for travelling for less and making use of your credit and debit cards. A credit card, specifically, can be a convenient solution when making purchases on the flight. As I explore and write about the countries I have randomly selected, I will also be sharing tips on how to see the world without breaking the bank. 

My trusty travel mate and best friend will be accompanying me on this epic trip, and that bestie is my Gold MasterCard credit card. (Shame, my boyfriend is coming too.) My journey began on Monday, 19 October 2020 already when I queued up at PathCare on Nelson Mandela Avenue to be swabbed for Covid-19. 

Most countries one plans to enter during the rona require a Covid-19 negative test that must be taken within 72 hours of departure. The test was quick, painless (unlike my previous 5!) and the staff are incredibly professional and super friendly, especially the man who meets and greets those queuing up. 

All I needed was a copy of my passport or identity document, information regarding my trip – and I was good to go. The test cost N$850 and only cash payments are accepted. 
I was swabbed at around 09:38 and received an SMS at exactly 16:51, reading “PathCare – Ms Frieda T Kalondo, Covid-19 test from 19 Oct is negative. Contact health provider if sick. ”. 
I did a little happy dance and kept it moving. 

Today, I will head to London via Addis Ababa, flying with Ethiopian Airways and I hope my flight with this airline will be better than my last, where there was an unruly passenger attempting to open the aircraft doors mid-flight! 
I think I watch too many movies because I was ready to rugby tackle, said passenger and cable-tie him myself. 
I digress (but the stress of that flight will live on forever). 

Nonetheless, overseas travel can be expensive, but it’s possible to minimise costs with discipline and careful planning. I will be bringing you financial tips while travelling abroad, especially the savings and benefits that come with the use of a credit card. 
Luckily for me, Standard Bank Namibia is coming along with me on this adventure – and together, we will show you the world through the eyes of a Standard Bank Gold MasterCard credit card.