
At home with Robyn Nakaambo – From radio presenter to soaring the corporate ladder

Home Lifestyle At home with Robyn Nakaambo – From radio presenter to soaring the corporate ladder

Robyn Nakaambo (31) is a forced to be reckoned with in terms of growth and consistency in brand building as the tricenarian Namibian, who once started as a Unam radio presenter, is now the External Stakeholders’ Engagement Officer at GIPF.
Also known as Ruby the Dime in her circle and to radio enthusiasts, she wears many caps, including TV host, a businesswoman and a master of ceremony (MC). 
“My claim to eminence was being a radio presenter; I started my radio career as a first-year at Unam Radio and moved to Energy 100FM, where I peeked into television and hosting events. Before my current professional role, I was a communications officer at Namibia’s biggest bottling company,” she highlighted.

She was born in Oshakati, commonly known as Omtata to many locals. “I’m the second eldest of four siblings; we are three girls and one boy.”
Robyn started her school at the People’s Primary School (PPS) and went to Martti Ahtisaari Primary School. She moved to Pretoria, South Africa, where she attended the Mount Edmund Christian Brothers’ College and then relocated to Bloemfontein, where she attended the St. Joseph’s Christian Brothers’ College, starting her grade five until she matriculated. 
As a teenager, she was an extrovert, quite loquacious and took part in a lot of extramural activities. She was a cheerleader, took part in musicals and dramas, a member of a choir, and took part in solo music competitions, a star athlete running 1500m, 400m, 200m and 100m.
Robyn also played hockey and was a member of the school’s first team. In a husk, she was a youngster who was exposed to a lot and was fortunate enough to experience it all.

What led her into the current path is fate. “I would say fate, as it was my second choice. My first was studying architecture. I guess God knew what I needed to feel fulfilled before I did. I love what I do – and as they say, when you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life.”

From her daily full-time job, taking care of her boutique, fitness to cooking, the schedule is never easy to keep up with but the chores need to be done and responsibilities need to be taken care of. 
“My days are usually a marathon. I wake up around 06:00, and head to my 08:00 to 17:00. I then get in some sweat after that (exercise session), pop by my shop to check on business, head home to cook, take a warm shower and watch TV, do some work on my laptop and sleep around 11:00. Most weekends, I work on one or another project.”

There are plenty of things we don’t know how to do; some don’t know how to whistle, roll their tongue, wink, move ears, stand on their heads or even tiptoe. Low and behold, Robyn Nakaambo does not know how to snap. Snap as in like… snap her fingers.

We all have things we love doing when we are bored and Robyn prefers watching Netflix. “When bored, I enjoy surfing Netflix; there’s always something intriguing to indulge in.”

She is an influencer. “I’m an influencer or content creator on social media and I have been working with very awesome brands. This is exciting, as it pushes my creativity level and encourages me to research several topics to create fresh content to achieve my set objectives per campaign.”
When it comes to self-reflection, like anyone, Robyn has certain things she values and some, not so much about herself. 
“My favourite part would be how surreal my life gets and I have an out-of-body experience, where I look at myself at the age of 31 with my accomplishments and I’m in awe as to how far this Oshakati-born, Bloemfontein-raised young girl has made it. I celebrate all my wins regardless how small they might be and my heart of gratitude has brought me this far.”
 With all the good things we value and praise about ourselves, there is a negative aspect that we do not appreciate. “The least favourite part of being me are the assumptions and tales “story mongers” feel they have the right to spread about me… someone they know nothing about.”

In terms of career and life, Robyn hinted that the key is to focus. “Always give 110% to each task you are presented with, work relentlessly towards your goals, never give up, refuse to be defined by your failures and naysayers, always remain humble and treat others with respect.”
– psiririka@nepc.com.na