Former Miss Teen Continental crowned Miss Supranational Namibia

Home Lifestyle Former Miss Teen Continental crowned Miss Supranational Namibia

Former Miss Teen Continental, Chanique Rabe, was crowned Miss Supranational Namibia recently at Droombos after excelling through all rounds and questions on social issues.
The 23-year-old beauty queen from the capital scooped the title after a tough battle against scores of stunning queens from all over Namibia.

Miss Supranational Namibia is a brand-new Namibian pageant platform that provides opportunities for contestants to uplift their communities by growing and promoting their community projects.
During her reign, Rabe will also be representing Namibia at one of the largest international pageants in the world, Miss Supranational next year.
“I am so honoured to wear this crown, knowing that I can truly make a difference in the year to come,” she told Entertainment Now!

Rabe, who is no stranger to the spotlight, was Miss Teen Namibia in 2015 and represented Namibia in the United States where she performed outstandingly well and was crowned Miss Teen Continental.
She said, “Winning Miss Supranational Namibia has definitely been my greatest accomplishment as I have put in so much work and I know that this platform will truly allow me an exciting and purposeful reign.”
Commenting on the status of beauty pageants in the country, Rabe said the pageant industry is rapidly growing to become more diverse and influential, also acknowledging other exquisite models who use the platform to raise their voices and passions.

“As with everything in life, there is always room for improvement,” she said.
Rabe is the second to wear the crown after Yana Haeinisch who placed as the first runner-up at Miss Supranational in Poland.

Asked if she was ready to face other queens from all over the globe, the fashion guru described the future journey as slightly nerve-wracking, however, she added that she has a delightful team to finalise her preparations.
Presently, Rabe is at work with her mending project where she teaches underprivileged youth sewing skills so that they become self-sufficient.

“My mission is to empower the youth to be emotionally and intellectually independent, and by teaching the youth a skill that will last them a lifetime, they will be able to generate their own income, apply for skilled jobs and hopefully spark up entrepreneurship,” she said.
Giving some advice to aspiring models, the queen urged them to make themselves a priority.
“Look after yourself and get to know yourself. By knowing who you are and what makes you happy will make you content and confident in who you are,” she said.  –