Young voters make their mark

Home Front Page News Young voters make their mark

There was huge enthusiasm among voters yesterday, with mostly young people thronging polling stations to exercise their civic duty and be part of the electoral process.
First-time voter Tangi Shilongo (20) was among the many voters who woke up early to line up at the Moses van der Byl Primary School where voting started at 07h00. 

“I woke up very early in the morning to cast my vote for the candidate that will bring change in my constituency. We have been struggling for years as young people and I really hope those in power will hear our cries,” said Shilongo.
For 23-year-old Stephanie Haufiku, also said she secured her future by voting yesterday. 

“As youth, we want to stand and vote for the change we want to see in the future. I hope many young people vote,” she said.
“It is up to us young people, to step up and prove them wrong and sway this election in a way that they are not expecting. If we want to see change, we need to prove it at the ballot. That is the only way,” said 24-year-old Aina Kadhikwa.  
Although there was a massive turnout of young people at some polling stations, especially in Katutura East constituency, the youth participation in some constituencies was worrisome.

John Simon, a polling officer in the Khomasdal constituency, said there were mostly senior citizens rocking up to vote. 
“There was a rise in youth participation and voter registration last year and I was expecting to see the same this year, but I am only seeing elderly people here,” he said.

Many young voters were certainly eager to vote, however, some showed little interest in elections.
“Who and why should I vote? What have they done to earn my vote?” local taxi driver, Simeon Hangula (31) questioned.
Hangula claimed that elections have not been beneficial to him hence he will not participate in elections.
“I am not leaving my job to go vote for corruption and empty promises. It is a waste of time and taxi money,” said local vendor, Ndiilokelwa Kagobe (27) as she continues selling her vegetables at Havana.