
North stays loyal

Home Front Page News North stays loyal

Loide Jason and Nuusita Ashipala 

Despite diminishing support in other parts of the country, the ruling Swapo party has maintained a stranglehold in the Omusati, Oshana, Ohangwena, Oshikoto and the two Kavango regions. 
Swapo retained all its 12 constituencies despite losing two seats on the Oshikuku, Outapi, Okahao and Ruacana town councils to the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC). The party also lost one seat on the Tsandi village council to the IPC. 
The ruling party secured four seats at Tsandi and five seats at Oshikuku, Ruacana, Outapi and Okahao. For the regional council vote, Gerhard Shiimi of Elim, Laurentius Iipinge (Okalongo), Matheus Gabriel 

(Oshikuku), Johannes Iiyambo (Otamanzi), Leonard Shikulo (Okahao), Andreas Shitama (Ruacana) and Junias Amunkete of Tsandi were declared duly elected. 
At Outapi, Immanuel Shikongo prevailed, while Festus Petrus won Onesi by a landslide.
Tylves Angala won the Anamulenge vote, while the youthful Hans Haikali also won at Etayi.  Another victory in Omusati went to Daniel Iilende of Ogongo constituency. Swapo will also remain in control of the entire Ohangwena region. 
Swapo coordinator for Ohangwena Hafeni Hatutale said he was pleased with the election outcome. At the local authority level, Swapo lost two seats at Helao Nafidi and Eenhana, while the ruling party lost one seat at Okongo. 
The Rally for Democracy and Progress lost all its seats to the IPC. 

Dr Panduleni Itula’s party, IPC, furthermore won two seats at Helao Nafidi and Eenhana and another seat at Okongo. 
Hatutale lauded all the masses that came out to vote for the ruling party. He said the party now has a daunting task to ensure that the regional leadership is retained by Swapo. “This time we will make sure that even those who did not vote for Swapo will return home,” said Hatutale. IPC regional commander Fillipus Nalungu said he was happy with the election outcome. “I am happy that our people have spoken and they have chosen whom they want to represent them,” said Nalungu. 

In Oshana, Swapo also retained all its 11 constituencies. At the local authority level, Swapo only retained three seats – at Ondangwa, Oshakati and Ongwediva. The other three seats at all local authorities were scooped by IPC.  Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) lost its seat at Ondangwa and Oshakati. Chairperson of the Swapo national leaders assigned to Oshana Veikko Nekundi praised the electorate for exercising their democratic right to vote for the party of their choice. He said his party will remain committed to deliver services to the people of Oshana irrespective of their political affiliation. Nekundi said his party will continue to work towards fulfilling the promises in the party’s manifesto. “We will not disappoint, we will remain committed to deliver services to the nation,” said Nekundi. 

He urged those entrusted to lead to ensure that they deliver. In terms of the seats lost at the local authority level, Nekundi said the party does not take an offence in the decline in the number. 
“We do not take offence. We appreciate every vote and we shall remain committed irrespective of their political parties,” said Nekundi.