Grade 4 school-leaver aims high

Home Front Page News Grade 4 school-leaver aims high

Obrein Simasiku

Omunyekadhi-A Grade 4 dropout who runs a cuca shop at Omunyekadhi has vowed to rise above his circumstances and defy all odds, despite his low level of education.
Although Thomas Simeon, 23, only sells sweets and the local traditional brew, Epwaka, he is optimistic that within two years his cuca shop will be much bigger, because he has plans.

“This is just the beginning. It’s just a matter of time before it will be fully stocked for all the basic needed products by the community,” he stated.

There is another cuca shop in the area of Omunyekadhi, but Simeon says this will not deter him because he does not see it as competition, despite it being the preferred venue by all, because it is fully loaded with stock.

Omunyekadhi is situated in the deep forest of Oshikoto some 76 km northeast of Casablanca, an area where there is no network communication and proper road infrastructure and limited essential services.

Simeon cannot speak, nor can he understand a single word in English, not even as much as a greeting, despite having attended school until Grade 4.

“The school was far and I couldn’t bear the long distance to and from school. That is why I decided to stay away,” Simeon explained in his vernacular language, Oshindonga.
Simeon aspires to get married by the age of 27, but says it will be determined by the success of his business.

“I cannot get married now. I am still young and on top of that I don’t want my kids and wife to suffer, that’s why I’ve set my target at 27, because by then I’m sure I can cater for them all,” said Simeon when asked whether he had children, as is often the case with young men here in similar circumstances.