APP recalls errant councillor

Home Archived APP recalls errant councillor

Obrein Simasiku

Omuthiya-All People’s Party (APP) has with immediate effect replaced local authority councillor Stanislaus /Uiseb who serves on the Grootfontein Council, on grounds he allegedly went to work under the influence of alcohol.

/Uiseb was also recalled for insubordination, not attending a party meeting and his failure to address and compile reports to be presented to the party.

But /Uiseb believes he was unfairly replaced, that he has done nothing wrong and that he performed his duties.

He has hit back saying the real motive for his recall is because he is a Damara in a party dominated by people from the two Kavango regions.

/Uiseb is to be replaced by Victoria Hausiku who was second on the party’s local council list.

Hausiku said /Uiseb never attended the party’s district meeting, nor could he produce council reports for the party’s scrutiny, including on his failure to deposit funds into the party’s branch account which he was mandated to do on a monthly basis.

“The Grootfontein district was not happy at all with the way our representative was working and handling issues – this happened for a long time and thus the branch convened a meeting where it was decided that he needed to be replaced because he is incompetent and not delivering to the party’s expectations.”

“The issue was even forwarded to head office and it had given him the whole year to see if he could change for the better but this never happened,” said Hausiku.

“When I became the acting secretary general I found /Uiseb’s case logged already. There have been complaints from the Grootfontein community and party members about his unbecoming behaviour of not attending meetings,” further said Hausiku.

Some APP members have petitioned the constituency councillor Nelao Amagulu and the town mayor Abisai Shondati objecting to the removal of /Uiseb.

In a petition signed by 80 members they are demanding that /Uiseb be reinstated immediately until when his term end, claiming the decision to recall /Uiseb was unjustifiable.

/Uiseb said he would engage his lawyers to deal with the issue.