
UNFPA explores cooperation with MTC

Home Business UNFPA explores cooperation with MTC



United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) resident representative Dennia Gayle, accompanied by specialists from the agency, recently paid a courtesy call on MTC with the sole aim of introducing the business of UNFPA to MTC and to further explore possible areas of collaboration, especially around the area of youth and community development.

Gayle stressed that the UNFPA role is to improve quality of life and reduce inequalities for the achievement of universal access especially in the areas of sexual and reproductive health so as to see a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential fulfilled.

This can be achieved by providing support at national level and through targeted interventions for marginalized, indigenous groups, and vulnerable rural and urban communities, according to Gayle.

On collaboration with MTC, seeing that MTC is the premier communications company for over two million customers, added to its record as a leader in CSI in Namibia, UNFPA have expressed the desire to collaborate with MTC on programs that will aid in enhancing its information outflow to its intended program beneficiaries.

Since the meeting was merely an introductory one, the UNFPA will in the near future return with concrete proposals on its intended collaboration with MTC – as they will go back and strategize internally before making a formal proposition for collaboration with MTC.

Manager for sponsorship and promotions, Joseph Mundjindi, said that for UNFPA to consider a collaboration with MTC says a lot about the integrity and capability of MTC in terms of its commitment to address both community and youth development challenges.

“We are extremely happy that UNFPA have taken the time to engage us, and we stand ready to listen and where possible put synergies in place aimed towards collaborative efforts in assisting UNFPA to reach some of its goals,” said Mundjindi.