Air Namibia investigates Mulunga booking leak

Home Front Page News Air Namibia investigates Mulunga booking leak

Windhoek – National airline Air Namibia last night said it has rolled out a fully fledged investigation into how a flight booking of Namcor Managing Director Imms Mulunga – allegedly with a young woman who was caught at the executive’s home in February – was leaked to the public.

A screenshot of Mulunga’s double booking with Nguvi Mberirua for a flight to Cape Town has gone viral – doing ping-pong between various social media platforms.

The booking is dated May 28.

Mberirua, who is alleged to be a mistress to the married Namcor boss, was found at Mulunga’s matrimonial home by his wife Sonia and her friends in February.

A humiliating video of her interrogation by Mulunga’s wife and crew went viral, but the young woman maintained she was not having an affair with the petroleum executive.

In February, attempts were allegedly made to depose Mulunga from his job at the State-owned petroleum flagship company, but his lawyers intervened to state that the claims of infidelity were a private matter that should not affect his job.

Dust, however, refused to settle after Mulunga’s flight booking with Mberirua went viral this week. The airline suspect an insider took the screenshot of Mulunga’s booking and internal investigations have been launched.

New Era understands that Air Namibia has already spoken to Mulunga to offer its apology and assure him the matter was internally being taken seriously.

Speaking from Dublin, Ireland, yesterday, Air Namibia spokesperson Paul Nakawa said the airline was “shocked” at the leak.

“We are all shocked at the posting on social media sites, which borders on our customer’s confidentiality,” he told New Era last night.

“The action is devoid of how we conduct our business at Air Namibia in particular and in the aviation [industry] in general as it is not acceptable as per standards and norms.”

“We are busy investigating to trace the culprit. Once found, the responsible person will face the full wrath of the law,” Nakawa concluded.