Nudo condemns Ueitele’s tribal remarks

Home International Nudo condemns Ueitele’s tribal remarks


The National Unity Democratic Organisation (Nudo) has joined the chorus of condemnation against recent tribal remarks allegedly made by Omaheke Governor Festus Ueitele. In a widely circulated audio recording, a copy of which New Era obtained, Ueitele described to the Bakgalagadi ba Namibia Chief Hubert Ditsabue and his daughter, Josepha Ditsabue, the treasurer of the Swapo Party Women’s Council (SPWC), that some of the Ovaherero community are apparently backstabbers, that they practise double standards and do not seem to respect other tribes.
“As a party we are shocked and disappointed that such a high profile – a governor of a region where 80 percent of the inhabitants are Otjiherero speaking can utter such nonsense,” Nudo spokesperson Joseph Kauandenge said in a media statement issued over the weekend.
“As a party,” he said, “we therefore call on President Geingob to relieve Ueitele from his duties since it is now clear that he is not there to serve the people of the great Omaheke, but there to enslave a particular tribe called Ovaherero in that region.”
“It is uncalled for – unacceptable that Ueitele should continue as governor. It is also safe to say if no action is taken we will start a serious campaign of gathering signatures in Omaheke for a petition to remove him from office,” he said.
According to Kauandenge, it is evident in the audio recording that Ueitele is on a crusade to vilify, belittle and portray the Herero people as very bad people who should be dealt with at all costs and be relegated to second-hand citizens in their own region.
“It is regrettable that the ugly face of tribalism and regionalism is so evident after 26 years of independence,” lamented Kauandenge.
“We now understand why the region as a whole lags so far behind in terms of development,” he added. He said Ueitele’s aim has never been to develop the region but rather to frustrate and enslave the OvaHerero in a farming country.
Kauandenge said the question that begs an answer is, ‘What are you still doing in a region where you clearly have no interest?