Boesman, Namibia’s best African Brahman, dies

Home National Boesman, Namibia’s best African Brahman, dies


The most famous Red Brahman bull in all of Africa is dead.

Confirming the death of his prized bull on Monday night, renowned emerging farmer and owner of the bull, named Boesman, Ace Kavari yesterday related the frantic scene that played out in the wee hours of Tuesday morning when Boesman died on a trailer on his way back to Kavari’s farm, Orusuuo 2 in Eiseb Block in Omaheke Region.

The formidable bull was crowned the best Brahman in Africa during the recently held prestigious Brahman Champion of the World Competition.

Boesman walked off with the title of Africa Champion and also won a silver medal in the competition against the best in Africa, Asia, America and Europe.

A tearful Kavai said Boesman showed signs of illness on Monday this week and he rushed him on a trailer to a veterinarian in Windhoek where Boesman was treated. The bull seemed to recover almost immediately from the injections and the veterinarian gave Kavari permission to take the bull back to his farm after the animal had recovered by around midnight.

The arrangement was that the veterinarian would visit the farm on Tuesday to monitor Boesman’s progress and give him further treatment if necessary.

“All seemed well on the journey, but when we arrived at the gate to my farm, I stopped to open the gate and wanted to look at Boesman. To my shock and horror Boesman was lying down, not breathing, and I realised he was dead.

“I cried, because it is a terrible loss as I had such high expectations for Boesman,” a visibly shaken Kavari related yesterday. Boesman was five-years-old.

After coming second in the World Championship in January, Kavari told New Era: “It’s all my dreams come true. As a young boy I dreamed of becoming a farmer. As a farmer I dreamed of becoming a top breeder and as a top breeder I dreamed about being the best in Africa and the world. That special honour is now mine, thanks to Boesman.”

Only the best Brahman cattle from around the world were entered into the competition and voting took place over a period of eight days via an online voting poll created by the World Brahman Cattle Association.

The 44-year-old Kavari started farming intensively when he moved to Eiseb Block in the Otjombinde Constituency of Omaheke Region in 2002. He says Boesman’s death came as a huge shock and the only consolation is that the bull impregnated some cows before his untimely death.

Kavari is a registered stud breeder with the Brahman Stud Association and exhibits his animals at the annual Windhoek Agricultural Show and the annual Okamatapati Show.