Armed schoolgirls terrorise shebeen patrons

Home Crime and Courts Armed schoolgirls terrorise shebeen patrons


A group of schoolgirls from St Charles Lwanga School in Omusati stand accused of insulting patrons at some cuca-shops on Monday.
The Grade 8 and 9 learners, who are accused of frequenting shebeens at Ohambada village in Omusati, were apparently armed with clubs and an iron bar.
Two of the girls reportedly went into one of the shebeens after school, where they started insulting and threatening to manhandle and beat a female patron.
Their victim had earlier reported them to the school authorities for frequenting shebeens in the area. The girls also followed an elderly woman, threatened to beat her and take her pension money. The woman was on her way home after she had received her monthly pension grant.
“The elderly woman is the grandmother of the lady who is being accused of reporting the learners to the school, so they wanted to beat her for apparently involving herself in the story,” said a source i the neighbourhood. It is further alleged that the learners returned to the cuca-shop at 19h00, after they had changed out of their school uniforms and continued to cause havoc. Their number had by then increased to five.
“This time, they were armed with stones and bottles,” revealed the source , requesting anonymity for fear of reprisals. They allegedly started throwing stones randomly.
The Omusati police were called to the scene to resolve the situation. However, the police said there was no transport at the time. When they arrived at 22h00 the learners, who were still at the shebeen, fled the scene. The police advised the concerned group to call a meeting with the school and parents.
A meeting was held at the school on Wednesday, where parents of the concerned learners conceded they were troubled by their children’s behaviour.
Principal Andreas Kawalu confirmed the incident, but refused to dwell on it. He refused to discuss the issue and insisted that they have dealt with the matter internally, before he summarily put down the phone.
Omusati police spokesperson Warrant Lineekela Shikongo confirmed that the police attended to the situation in an effort to quell the near riotous situation at the watering holes.