
Ndatipo’s lawyer still to hear from PG

Home Crime and Courts Ndatipo’s lawyer still to hear from PG


Titus Ipumbu, the lawyer representing the family of slain ‘struggle kid’ Frieda Ndatipo, says he is yet to receive the prosecutor general’s report which indicates that no one could be prosecuted for the death of Frieda Ndatipo, as was said by the Minister of Justice Dr Albert Kawana in parliament recently.

Late last month Kawana, who was the attorney general when Ndatipo was killed, announced in the National Assembly that the prosecutor general, Martha Imalwa, had declined to prosecute anyone in the death of Ndatipo.

Kawana said the decision not to prosecute was based on the evidence placed before the prosecutor general. He added that a judge would conduct a public inquest.
Ndatipo, who was 26 years at the time, was shot dead last year near the Swapo Party headquarters in Windhoek, during clashes between the police and alleged children of fallen independence fighters. Two police officers were seriously injured during the clashes. The children of the liberation struggle were demonstrating for jobs.

Ipumbu previously informed New Era that the report should have been sent directly to the prosecutor general from the ombudsman, instead of first sending it to the attorney general, who is a political appointee.

The report only reached the prosecutor general Imalwa after it had already been to the attorney general’s office, the lawyer said.

Recently Nadtipo’s family demonstrated in Okongo in the Ohangwena Region and called for the arrest of those responsible for her death.
Ipumbu also said in an interview with New Era that he would take legal action against the Ministry of Safety and Security. He said he would write a letter asking the minister of safety and security to allow the executor on behalf of the deceased to institute action against the government.

Kawana had told parliament that due to the public interest and debate generated after Ndatipo’s death, he decided to use his constitutional power as minister to invoke the provisions of Section 7(3) of the Inquest Act, 1993 (Act No. 6 of 1993) to request the deputy chief justice to designate a judge of the High Court to hold an inquest.

Judge President Petrus Damaseb has designated Judge Christi Liebenberg to conduct the inquest.
Ndatipo was buried at her home village of Okongo in the Ohangwena Region.