Marginalised group up against oppression

Home National Marginalised group up against oppression

WINDHOEK – A group of people from the marginalised Ju/’Hoans San ethnic group of Tsumkwe is concerned with detractors objecting to the appointment of Royal /Ui/o/oo, as deputy minister in the Vice President’s Office.
Critics say /Ui/o/oo is incompetent and unsuitable.

The deputy minister’s supporters’ concerns follow a recent media report claiming that /Ui/o/oo is “a failure” and has failed to articulate and advocate for the rights of his constituency at Tsumkwe.

“Let us not fool ourselves to look good to the outside world by having members of the previously disadvantaged communities in the top government leadership structures, yet they do nothing. We may go (sic) away with it now, but in the long run we are doing ourselves grave disservice,” a critic recently wrote in a letter published in local national newspapers.

These remarks angered members of the marginalised group, who hit back saying these people have a hidden agenda and are trying to oppress the marginalised by coming forth to criticise /Ui/o/oo when he was appointed deputy minister in the Vice President’s Office, as one of the marginalised Namibians to represent them at that level of government.

They went on to say it is common knowledge there are shortcomings even among some of the ministers appointed by the President but no one puts these appointees under scrutiny and they are questioning why only /Ui/o/oo is being singled out for being imperfect or for his purported shortcomings.

“It would be better if people could wait and stop their criticism with his current position because he has authority in terms of decision making, implementation, monitoring and evaluating marginalised people’s affairs unlike the previous post he held,” the group stated.

They further lashed out at the critics saying when an individual is entrusted with national responsibilities it is not meant to showcase outside the world how good government is but rather meant for empowerment and participation in all agendas of the nation.

/Ui/o/oo is the first and only person from his ethnic group to have served in parliament.