FAO prioritises sustainable agricultural production  

Home Farmers Forum FAO prioritises sustainable agricultural production  

WINDHOEK – The Country Programming Framework Namibia 2014 – 2018 sets out priority areas to guide the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) partnership with, and support to, the government of Namibia.

This is  the areas of agriculture and food and nutrition security (FNS), water, lands, fisheries and forestry sectors. The CPF provides an analysis of challenges of the agricultural sector, the government’s response to these and remaining gaps. It identifies priority areas for FAO intervention in the next five years, based on the government’s priority needs and FAO’s comparative advantages, and briefly describes the institutional arrangements for implementation, as well as the Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation framework.

The CPF remains a working document and will be revised periodically in collaboration with key national stakeholders in order to keep pace with changing priorities and emerging issues affecting the agricultural sector.  The priority areas are:

1.Enabling policy, legal and institutional environment for food and nutrition security and agricultural development;

2.Sustainable agricultural production;

3.Linking farmers to markets; and

4.Improved preparedness to agricultural threats and crises.