Tobias Hainyeko clinic takes shape

Home National Tobias Hainyeko clinic takes shape

WINDHOEK – Construction of the ultra-modern clinic in Tobias Hainyenko Constituency is on track with the clinic expected to open its doors in mid-2016.

The clinic which will cater for the inhabitants of the informal settlements of the high density area and the neighbouring constituencies is situated at the intersection of Tauno Hatuiikulipi and Omuvapu streets in Babylon.

“Construction work is well in progress,” said a foreman at the site yesterday.The foreman added that the building would be completed by the middle of next year.

The councillor of Tobias Hainyeko Constituency, Zulu Shitongeni, said the construction of the clinic “is timely” as it will cater for the over 25 000 people who live in the informal settlements of Babylon and Okahandja Park.

“The nearest clinic for people in Babylon and Okahandja Park is about 11 kilometres away (in Okuryangava) that is why we decided that a clinic should be built there,” explained Shitongeni yesterday.

The future clinic is also situated very close to Frans Indongo and Fidel Castro primary schools. Shitongeni added: “When children (learners) fall ill they won’t have to travel very far to access medical treatment.”

Shitongeni said N$2.5 million was spent to purchase and service the land on which the clinic is being built.

“The clinic will cater for the poor people because their travel costs will be reduced and they will not have to travel long distances,” the councillor further said.

In addition, Shitongeni said the clinic will have wards where sick patients will be admitted for not longer than five days.