Elderly rejoice over new pension grant

Home National Elderly rejoice over new pension grant

ONDANGWA – The increment of the old-age pension grant from N$600 to N$1 000 has everyone talking, especially pensioners most of who say it would bring relief, improve their livelihoods and ease their burdens.

Many could not contain the excitement and ululated for the good gesture while at the same time praising President Hage Geingob’s government for hearing their plight.
The pension was increased in the 2015 budget tabled in Windhoek.
Previously, the pension, which the elderly say was mainly used to sustain their families, pay for school fees and buy stationery and school uniforms of their grandchildren left many with little money for anything else. Government has over the years said the pension grants are not meant for the recipients to look after their grandchildren but many Namibians tend to leave their children in the care of their elderly parents.
Many say with the increment, they will be able to keep extra money for emergencies. While the majority rejoiced, others appealed to their grandchildren to refrain from stealing their pension money.
Vistorina Fillemon from Iindangungu said there have been cases in the past when pensioners were either robbed of their pension money while others were raped or axed to death.
“We pray that this does not happen again, because that is the fear that arises when we collect our money,” said Fillemon.
Loini Johannes from Uuthikilo in Uukwiyu Constituency office, who was on her way from Oluno clinic when she learnt of the latest development, could not contain her excitement. Johannes only heard of the increment when New Era approached her for comment.
“If I was not coming from the hospital, I would jump for the world to see how happy I am today,” said Johannes.
Johannes said the additional N$400 would be sufficient to purchase maize since the crops have withered following erratic rains in the area.
Previously, Johannes said N$600 was not sufficient to cater for all her basic needs such as mahangu meal, cooking oil, sugar and salt.
Toini Petrus from Oluungalunga said the announcement brings a lot of relief because after all her monthly expenses, she was only able to take home N$100 to cater for her remaining needs – which she barely did.
“I am excited, perhaps now I can even save. Previously, I could not save because I had to buy maize and cooking oil to ensure that the children are fed at home,” stated Petrus.