
Neu Sommerau charcoal project progresses

Home Farmers Forum Neu Sommerau charcoal project progresses

WINDHOEK – The charcoal project on the resettlement farm Neu Sommerau at Kombat is progressing well. Even though there were some growing pains in the beginning, it is now progressing well under the competent leadership of Peter Zensi as Project Coordinator.


The project is an initiative of the Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU), in  cooperation with the Ministry of Land Reform with the financial aid of the European Union. The objective of the project is to support a number of resettlement farmers so that each can clear 4ha and  produce charcoal. Once the four hectares  have been cleared, it is the aim that this land will be used as dryland agronomy.  All equipment has already been given to the resettlement farmers and they will be trained in the production of charcoal in due course. Members of the Rietfontein FA are involved with the project and support the project with this training.


Agricultural clients meet new CEO of FNB

The Namibia Agricultural Union  (NAU) was honoured to meet the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the First National Bank (FNB), Sarel van Zyl during a luncheon.


The function was arranged by the Agri Branch of  FNB which is situated at the Old Power Station, Windhoek. Van Zyl who is is from Mariental and wrote his matric at Otjiwarongo, started his banking career at Okahandja and was for four years in Zambia and will now take over the reins at FNB from Ian Leyenaar.


FNB again confirmed its support to the activities of the agricultural sector and especially its support to the activities of the NAU. De-bushing currently is also an important priority at FNB and apart from the current product, which is provided to clients for de-bushing, they continuously look for new products to assist their clients.


Swakara pelts dispatched

Agra’s Pelt Centre dispatched a consignment of 61 110 Swakara pelts in preparation for the international auction. The pelts with an estimated value of N$ 34 million will be auctioned on  April 18  at Kopenhagen Fur in Copenhagen, Denmark.


FA and other news

Feedmaster and the Waterberg Plato Wild Telers are hosting an information day on April 1 at 09:00 at the Otjiwa Game Ranch, Otjiwarongo. Speakers are Dr Kenneth Botha, Dr Johan Kriek and Jaco Labuschagne and Christo du Plessis of Feedmaster. After lunch Dawie Oosthuizen of Safari Den will give practical demonstration of guns. For further details contact Christo du Plessis,Tel 061 218718, Dawid Krause, Tel 061 2909308 or W P Barnard, Tel 081 1480171.

Gobabis RAU offers the following courses on April 2 from 09:00 – 17:00 at the Kalahari Cenvention Centre,  Gobabis: NamLITS online where inter alia movement permits, herd statements and 90/40 verifications will be discussed. The other course is the LTR2 – Livestock Traceability Register software. The software is available on the website www.flexpro-tech.com/download Livestock Traceablity Register 2 en this will also be available on the memory stick atthe course. The costs are N$160 per person which includes refreshments and lunch. Participants are requested to bring along a labtop or other type computers to download the software and  also an extension cord and extra two three-point plugs. For further details and to register, please contact Willem Boshoff, Tel 062 565056, 081 2411740, gslu@iway.na.

Dordabis FA is holding a members’ meeting on April 9 at 13:00 at the FA hall. For further details contact Christine Romeis,  Tel 061 231230, cwromeis@iway.na.

GTO Regional Agricultural Union is hosting a farmers day on April 11 at 09:00 at the Blaauwberg auction pens, Grootfontein. Speakers are inter alia Dr Hilbert, Mr S Schneider, Mr B Dorfling and Mr Faan van der Merwe will give a demonstration about the branding of calves. The day will be concluded with a braai and the costs are N$200 per person whereby the meals are included. Please register before April 4 with Phellazie, Tel 081 4387855 or Elzabie, Tel 081 1248078.

Osire-Waterberg FA is holding a meeting on April 14 at 14:00 at the FA hall. Gero Bajorat of DIS Engineering will  talk about the import of power into the national network and a speaker will talk about farm safety. For further details contact Anka Visher, Tel 067 306208, hpvisher@iway.na.

The van Rooy Breeders Association of Namibia is offering a Junior and Senior course at the Agra Auction Pens, Otjiwarongo on April 14 & 15. For further details contact Francois Janse van Rensburg, Tel 081 1293553 or Carina Vermeulen, Tel 061 252994.

The Gobabis Shooting Day will be held on April 18 at 07:15 at the Military Shooting Range, Gobabis. Bow shooting, 100m grouping shooting, catapult and .22 shooting will be offered. Exhibitors are welcome and refreshments are offered. For further details contact Rudi, Tel 081 2753939.

The Meatmaster Association of Namibia is offering a Junior and Senior Meatmaster course at Gellap Ost near Keetmanshoop on April 29 and 30. The course is offered by the well-known Meatmaster breeders Clynton Collett, Mario du Preez, Jean du Plessis, Dennis and Jo Steenkamp, Johnny Morrison en P W van Heerden. For further information, contact Malinda Steyn, Tel 063 269002, 081 3332873, saamstaan@hotmailo.com. The logistic arrangements will be announced at a later stage.

The Meatmaster Association of Namibia is hosting their Annual General Meeting on April 29 at 17:00 at Gellap Ost. For further details contact Malinda Steyn, Tel 063 269002, 081 3332873, saamstaan@hotmail.com.