
Increase in library users in Lüderitz

Home National Increase in library users in Lüderitz

LÜDERITZ – Librarian Beverly van Wyk is satisfied with the high number of Namibian learners making use of the public library at Lüderitz.

She says the library is always busy particularly from 14h00 until 17h00 from Mondays to Fridays.

Van Wyk applauded learners who appeared very excited and inspired by February month when the history of black people is celebrated with a special book display.

She said February was a very busy month as the library was full of enthusiastic learners.

She indicated they assist students with their homework, assignments and projects, as well as help those intent on furthering their education by providing them with relevant information, such as contact numbers and the names of various institutions of learning.

She said they offer a two-week basic ICT skills training for the past three years and have 10 computers on which they train people for free and hand them certificates of attendance after two weeks.

People are also welcome to use the library to surf the internet for free or they could simply use it to type up their curricula vitae or application forms up to an hour free of charge. In 2013 they trained 105 people; and 88 were trained in 2014.

Currently five groups of 10 people are registered for the next four months and they also want to train small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for free on how to prepare quotations as well as how they could advertise their businesses.

They are also willing to help the youth by training them on how they can find employment through the internet.

She encouraged adults also to make use of the library as it is for everybody and not just young learners.