
Ombalantu firestone goes public

Home National Ombalantu firestone goes public

OHAMAUTSI – The Ombalantu firestone that was handed to the Ombalantu Traditional Authority by President Hifikepunye Pohamba in February was on Friday unveiled to the community of Ombalantu at a jam-packed ceremony at the homestead of the chief of the Ombalantu at Ohamautsi village near Outapi.

Chief of the Ombalantu Traditional Authority, Oswin Mukulu, who narrated the history of the ritual stone said it was removed from Namibia by Finnish missionaries and kept at a museum in Helsinki, Finland, for 84 years until its return in February.

Pohamba told the gathering that the stone should serve as a symbol of unity. “I call upon the Mbalantu Traditional Authority and all its members to embrace unity and mutual understanding. If there are differences among the people sit down and discuss them to arrive at an amicable solution,” urged the president.

The president further called upon the Mbalantu community to refrain from activities that would result in bloodshed, adding that bloodshed destroys social and economic progress. He urged the traditional authority as the custodian of cultural values to safeguard the ritual stone.

The president decried the abuse of women, alcohol and drugs, adding that the traditional authority could count on the government to root out crime from the society.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Presidential Affairs Dr Albert Kawana, the Minister of Justice Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, the Minister of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development Major-General (Rtd) Charles Namoloh, traditional leaders as well as the ELCIN retired bishop Josephat Shanghala and current Bishop Veiko Munyika.

By Nuusita Ashipala