
Killing yourself over a partner is baffling

Home Columns Killing yourself over a partner is baffling

Tunomukwathi Asino

I READ that Namibia has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, suicide rate per capita, that is. In Namibia people commit suicide for all the craziest reasons, from mounting debts, being denied by their fathers, to broken relationships. What keeps me awake is men and women who kill themselves over lovers.

I heard that a young woman committed suicide because she was dumped by her partner. While in another incident a man committed suicide, because his woman fell in love with another man. Maybe my friends at the Namibian Statistics Agency can help, but is it not true that there are more women than men in Namibia. So why commit suicide over a fellow human being. That does not achieve anything, as you are simply giving your lover the go ahead to replace you.

We had a debate about this, with those in favour arguing that the person has invested so much in the person that they feel betrayed. I just feel that they take the line “I can’t live without you” a bit too far.

The best solution to me would be to go out and find another partner or was the partner that really good of a person that he or she is irreplaceable?

Some experts believe that people take their own lives because they believe that the future will not be as good as the present or the past.

No matter how many times people try to convince me, I strongly believe that taking one’s life is an act of cowardice. No one is worth dying over, with time one will be able to find another person.

So instead of committing suicide, go out and meet new people. Go for counselling, talk to a friend, rather than committing suicide over someone who will forget you once you are six feet under.

I am not judging, nor am I pretending to be perfect. People who commit suicide probably feel that death is the only way out.  But I strongly feel that committing suicide over a broken relationship is totally messed up. Eewa