
Southern defaulters avoid power cut

Home Front Page News Southern defaulters avoid power cut

Nuusita Ashipala

ONGWEDIVA – NamPower did not effect the planned power cut in the south which was slated for yesterday over an outstanding debt of N$47 million.

NamPower managing director Kahenge Haulofu said the power cut was suspended for now after the affected customers responded positively by paying their accounts and making further arrangements to settle the outstanding

Haulofu said NamPower will monitor adherence to the repayment agreements made.
“Those who fail to honour their agreements going forward will be disconnected,” said Haulofu. The power utility last week threatened to cut power supply to village councils, local authority councils, government departments and other customers with outstanding accounts.

Those in the red included Tses, Koës, Berseba Village Council, Aranos Town Council, Tsumis Agriculture College and Pump Kujek and San, Kalahari Proefplaas, Rudenau Nord No. 6 and Congo Namibia Trading (Kombat mine).
Haulofu said the entities owed the power utility a combined debt of N$47 million.

Haulofu last week said the power utility was not at liberty to provide how much was owed by each entity as it is a confidential matter between the customer and NamPower.

Those whose power was set to be cut off are customers who after being sent letters of demand did not attempt to contact NamPower to make arrangements to pay their