
Touch & Go pulls the plug on MTC … club refuses to brandish sponsors logo on jerseys

Home Sports Touch & Go pulls the plug on MTC … club refuses to brandish sponsors logo on jerseys

Carlos Kambaekwa

OTAVI – While the abbreviated nationwide division one football leagues are in full swing, some affiliates are not exactly happy with their allocated grants. Former MTC Premiership campaigners Touch & Go have embarked on a silent protest in a desperate bid to see justice balanced.

The maroon and gold strip Otavi outfit has resolved to conceal the MTC logo on the front of their playing gear to make their views known about the absence of financial assistance from the league’s principal sponsor MTC.
Sources close to the club claim the country’s flagship football league, the Namibia Premier League (NPL), is obliged by its contractual agreement with the league’s principal sponsor MTC to set aside a certain portion of the sponsorship money for the national first divisions.

Approached to shed light on the this nauseating unfolding saga, the Namibia Premiership acting chief administrator Tovey Hoebeb says there’s no clear-cut definition on the NPL’s role towards the national first division streams.
“As it stands, the agreement in place is that the country’s flagship football league (NPL) is only administratively responsible for the national first divisions – but the bone of contention in this regard is to define the wording ‘administratively’ – does that only deal with administration or also financing?”

Hoebeb adds that both parties need to first find a common understanding on the actual definition of ‘administratively’ in order to reach an amicable solution to this burning issue.