Industry Loop: Events!

Home Lifestyle Industry Loop: Events!

For far too long we have allowed nonsense events to be the order of the day. For far too long we have allowed events to swallow our hard earned money. For far too long you’ve been subjected to awful events. You’ve accepted these ill organised events for far too long!

When we, people with influence, journalists, critics and columnists speak out…we are termed haters. When we, people with influence, journalists, critics and columnists speak out…we are seen as enemies of progress who want to stall or break down all together.

You have been too quiet about substandard events for far too long. If you have attended an event and you were left with a bitter taste because of bad time management, awful MCs, substandard performances and terrible music with no consideration for parking, safety of your vehicle, lack of safety enforcers and steep prices for drinks…why are you quiet? Why are you waiting on people with influence, journalists, critics and columnists to do something that you should actually do? Why are you waiting on people with influence, journalists, critics and columnists to say what you need to say?

Events organisers need to hear from you, the end user. If you don’t speak out…events organisers unfairly accuse people with influence, journalists, critics and columnists of trying to stop them from eating because well, “nobody complaint” mos. Or maybe you do want to waste your hard-earned money on events that start hours later as opposed to what was advertised? Maybe you do want to make it rain on events where you are going to have high and drunk performances to awfully engineered sound? Maybe you like Ondangurrr type of MCs? Maybe you really love paying an arm and a leg for 330ml nuh?

Ai etse if that is the case then who are we, people of influence, journalists, critics and columnists to be complaining? I don’t know hey, maybe we just wanted your vehicle to be safe. Maybe we just wanted you to pay a finger for a 330ml. Maybe we just wanted you to enjoy good music. Maybe we just wanted you to enjoy quality performances. Maybe we just wanted you to enjoy the company of MCs that can actually pronounce the name of towns. Mara maybe we are really just haters…LOL.

Maybe you like working 8 to 10 hours just to come waste it on manure. Maybe you really adore being slaved out white supremacist bosses just to come waste it on nonsense. Maybe you do like doing 3 to 4 people’s jobs but only get paid for one only just to come waste it on ill organized events.

The last time I checked…the economy downturn what, what, what, and you just outchea spending your hard earned money on manure. Start speaking out mense. You are the most important stakeholder to an event. If you are not happy, make it known. If you feel short changed, make it known. Tweet your disgust to an event that left a bad taste in your mouth.

The point is not whether you love that artist or not. The point is that artist must have enough respect for your love to want to put in effort, which will lead to a flawless set. If it’s a terrible and unprepared set…call it for what it is! But if that event organiser ticked off all our boxes to a great event…be the first to write on those events organisers wall or tweet. If you, the end user starts speaking, events organisers will take note and work to improve. But if you don’t speak up, the same shxt events will be staged and we, people with influence, journalists, critics and columnist will continue walking around with hater stickers on our backs!

Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!
NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email
@naobebsekind (twitter)