
Namcor completes forensic probe

Home Front Page News Namcor completes forensic probe

Kuzeeko Tjitemisa

WINDHOEK – The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) Board has completed forensic investigations into alleged corrupt practices by company Managing Director Immanuel Mulunga and IT executive Bonifatius Konjore.
Board Chairperson, Patrick Kauta told New Era on Wednesday that the forensic investigations, which was carried out by tax advisory and auditing firm Deloitte has ended and its findings will be ready by mid-next week.

“Do a follow-up mid-next week, we should have the report by then, we should have a definite answer. I think everything is now done, what is left now is the reviewing and printing the necessary copies,” he said briefly. Late last year, Kauta, at a press conference announced the board decision to put both Mulunga and Konjore, on special leave pending an internal investigation by the company in the awarding of a N$2.2 million tender in favour of a Malaysian company.

At the time Kauta said the two executives were placed on special leave until January 20 to pave the way for a forensic investigation. The two are since back at work.
Speaking to New Era, Mulunga last year maintained he had done nothing wrong despite the company’s board placing him on special leave.

He told this newspaper that he welcomed the independent investigation.
He said: “A lot of things have been said about me and I am looking forward to the outcome because I really did nothing wrong.”