
Upsurge in chicken runs in the city

Home Front Page News Upsurge in chicken runs in the city

Loide Jason

WINDHOEK – The Mayor of the City of Windhoek, Muesee Kazapua says the city does not allow the rearing of chickens and other livestock such as goats following reports that there is an upsurge in illegal chicken runs in the city.
The mayor said this during an interview with New Era on Thursday.

Kazapua said the city will take drastic action against people who are raring chicken and other domestic animals in back yards in the city.

Kazapua said that the city has a policy in place that guides them to take actions against those rearing chickens for the pot or for selling as this is illegal and goes against municipal by-laws and other gazetted laws.
He however, said the city will for now sensitise residents to desist from chicken rearing.
The City will conduct awareness campaigns and share information that will raise awareness of existing laws and illegal chicken runs in the city.

“We have by-laws in place and these people know that it is not allowed and I am sensitising and warning our people to refrain from it,” said Kazapua.

He said any form of livestock farming even on a small-scale is not allowed and those passionate about farming should do this in areas demarcated for farming.

He said one of the reasons goats, cattle or chickens cannot be raised in an urban environment is strictly to prevent the spread of diseases and there are too many vehicles which is not an ideal setting for those who might want to rear goats.

It will also be very odd for urbanites to be awaken by cocks crowing, he said.

Kazapua said so far the city has been reluctant to take action because they initially want to embark on a sensitisation campaign before they crack the whip.

“First we have to educate people, then we issue warnings and then we will start issuing fines against those who are doing it,” he elaborated.