
Kamanjab offers 24% discount incentive to ratepayers

Home National Kamanjab offers 24% discount incentive to ratepayers
Kamanjab offers 24% discount incentive to ratepayers

OPUWO – The Kamanjab Village Council has resolved to offer a 24% discount on outstanding water bills to motivate defaulting residents to settle their outstanding balances.

Defaulting consumers owe the council N$7 million in unpaid water bills, with some outstanding amounts dating back more than 30 years.

Kamanjab Village Council accounting officer Jogen Arnold /Urib confirmed the decision in an interview with Nampa on Friday.

“It’s part of our debt-collection strategy to encourage residents to honour their obligations,” he said.

/Urib said Kamanjab owes NamWater N$3.5 million, while the overall debt including other creditors is N$14 million. The 24% discount incentive will boost the council’s cash flow and wage analysis, while placing residents in a better position to pay off their outstanding debts.

 The council’s borehole drilling project will also enable the local authority to save money on water because it will be able to supply water directly to residents.

“We now have our own water source, which will enhance our existing water supply and reduce losses. The Kamanjab Village Council received funds from the government in December last year to compensate for Covid-19 era water losses, and we must do the same for our consumers because our budget is zero-based,” added /Urib.

– Nampa