
Strong wind, rain wreak havoc in Zambezi

Home National Strong wind, rain wreak havoc in Zambezi
Strong wind, rain wreak havoc in Zambezi

Aron Mushaukwa 

Marythar Kambinda


KATIMA MULILO – Heavy storms have caused great destruction in several villages in the Zambezi region this week, uprooting trees and blowing off roofs. On Wednesday evening, residents of Nova were left traumatised after a heavy windstorm caused massive damage.  Mercy Sinimbo, who was busy making dinner for her family in the evening, said she was petrified, not knowing what to do after her roof iron sheets were ripped off. 

“Once we stood outside, we noticed the destruction of the storm which uprooted trees that landed in our yard, damaging our car as the tree landed right on top of the car,” said Sinimbo.




Another resident, Priscah Mulele stated that her house started shaking and the door was the first to be blown off, which was then followed by the roof.

She added that her younger sister and two children were in the house but did not sustain any injuries.

“We were told that we would receive tents from our community members, so I am just waiting for that as I slept at the school last night and have nowhere else to go,” said Mulele. She does not have money to repair her house.

Muhau Lifalaza said she was outside doing laundry when the storm started and rushed into the house with her children.

“All I noticed was the roof being ripped off. The zincs were blown a distance from the house, and we were able to recover some of them,” she stated.

Inonge Wamunyima lost everything she owns. “Our food was destroyed, including mealie meal and we do not know what we are going to do. It was a terrible experience, as we could hear the trees being uprooted as the storm drew closer to us, and all we could do was sit still,” said Wamunyima.

She added that they had to sleep in a makeshift tent after their house was destroyed. Wamunyima further appealed for good Samaritans to assist them as they lost everything and do not know where to go from here.

On Monday evening at Nankuntwe in the Kabbe South constituency, a family of six was left in the open when strong winds blew off the roof of their main house. Some of their items were soaked by rain while the roof metal sheets are damaged and cannot be used again.

“I was sitting in the chair holding my daughter while it was raining heavily. I was caught off guard; I didn’t see how it happened. In the twinkle of an eye, I just realised the roof was no more there. I ran into the house where our children sleep,” stated Monde Kwandu.

Her husband, Jolosi Simobe was lost for words when he tried to narrate their ordeal. According to him, their loss is estimated at N$10 000. “This is a great loss. Most of our belongings were soaked, including our maize meal. I don’t know how we are going to recover,” he stated.

Another resident, Beritha Ntema appealed to the Zambezi risk management to assist the affected residents. 

“Government should help us. Whenever disasters happen they go to take pictures, but afterwards nothing happens,” she stated.

* Aron Mushaukwa and Marythar Kambinda are information officers for the MICT in the Zambezi region.


Caption 1 & 2: Massive loss…A house whose roof was blown away by a storm at Nankuntwe on Monday. Pictures: Aron Mushaukwa

Caption 3 $ 4: Destruction…Residents of Nova were also not spared from strong winds of Wednesday evening. Picture: Marythar Kambinda.