
Employees accuse employer of assault after theft

Home National Employees accuse employer of assault after theft
Employees accuse employer of assault after theft

KATIMA MULILO – Three men were arrested on Sunday in Katima Mulilo for allegedly stealing from their employer. The three men – aged 21, 23 and 24 – were employed in the furniture section of local shop Cash and Carry. 

Katima Mulilo police station commander Charles Mayumbelo said a local businessman had opened case (CR 165.12.2023) against the three suspects.

However, two of the suspects claimed they were assaulted by their employer, his brother and business partner, and security guards when they were caught red-handed with the stolen items.

 “They assaulted us, and inflicted injuries on our bodies. They recovered their items, but still, they paid security guards to beat us with knobkerries. We feel we have been treated unfairly because they assaulted us, fired us, and got us arrested. We, therefore, intend to open a case of assault against them,” said one of the suspects, 21-year-old Kakambi Kwenani, on Sunday evening from the hospital where he was receiving treatment.

On Monday afternoon, one suspect, Mwilima Simasiku (23), was still admitted in hospital while Kwenani was taken to the cells after he was discharged from hospital.

Mayumbelo added that no case had been opened to date by the suspects. 

Simasiku repeated his co-accused’s claims that they were assaulted. “I was assaulted first by the two brothers. Afterwards, they took handcuffs from the shop, handcuffed us, took us to the storeroom, and continued to assault us. Later on, they brought four security guards, who whipped us with fan belts,” he claimed.

Just like Kwenani, he also alleged that the security guards were later paid for assaulting them.

“I sustained injuries to my private parts due to the beatings. One of my testicles is out of position. Yesterday (Sunday) when I came in, I couldn’t even pee because it was painful. The doctor informed me that I will have to be transferred to Rundu,” continued Simasiku.

His father, Borniface Simasiku, expressed frustration that his son was assaulted in such a manner. 

“I do not feel well. In a free country like Namibia, if someone has wronged you, you have to approach the authorities. We are governed by the rule of law. Why do they take the law into their own hands? They are not even Namibians; they are foreigners. They are paying them low salaries, and they cannot even buy themselves panties [sic]. That is why they are even stealing from them because they are giving them peanuts,” said the elder Simasiku.

The third suspect, believed to be an accomplice, was off-duty when the two were caught red-handed but was, however, arrested after his colleagues implicated him.

Approached for comment, Cash and Carry owner Hisham Ahmed denied ever assaulting the suspects. “We did not beat them; we did not even touch them. I was the one who caught one of them coming out of the shop with a box. When I asked what was in the box, he said it was rubbish.

 “I was about to let him go, but my instinct told me to check what was in the box and I discovered that there was a comforter. I called my brother and other senior staff, and when we unfolded the comforter, we found bundles of fireworks inside,” he noted.

Ahmed added that they then involved the security company, and further interrogation led to the discovery of fireworks, which were hidden at their homes.

“When I went to open the case, they were there with me, walking. How come today they are saying they were assaulted?” questioned Hisham’s brother and business partner Haytham Ahmed. 

He said when he counted his stock, he realised that two boxes of fireworks were missing.  According to the police, the stolen items are estimated at N$13 199.

Two suspects were scheduled to appear in court yesterday (Tuesday), while the other was still in hospital under police guard. Police investigations continue.

-MICT Zambezi Region


*Aron Mushaukwa is an information for the MICT in Zambezi region.