
Geingob wants combat-ready NDF

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Geingob wants combat-ready NDF

President Hage Geingob yesterday underscored the growing importance of a well-equipped and combat-ready Namibian Defence Force (NDF), which he said is important to the continued preservation of the country’s territorial integrity and national interests.

The head of State, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the NDF, made these remarks at the first-ever Commander-in-Chief Military Parade held at the Lieutenant General Dimo Hamaambo Garrison in Grootfontein yesterday.

Cognizant of the various challenges that face the NDF such as inadequate funding and lack of human capital in some areas, Geingob stressed that those difficulties should not stop the NDF from becoming one of Africa’s best-equipped, highly mobile, and combat-ready armies. The parade was in honour of the commander-in-chief and served as a platform for the President and his entourage of ministers to get a firsthand look and feel of the various successes and challenges the army faces.

“I want to put more emphasis on modernisation. Despite the many challenges we face as an army, we should not shy away from the modernisation of the NDF. Sufficient funding is a problem for all armies worldwide, even in big countries with large economies. However, we as the NDF should continue to strive to become a small but highly mobile force with modern equipment and discipline. Lack of money should not compromise our quality as a force, and we should not procure low-quality armaments because of lack of money. Such practices compromise our national security,” said Geingob. 

The President also touched on the growing need for the NDF to meet modern warfare environments through smart partnerships and constantly injecting new blood into the various sections of the army. 

 “While operating within our budget limits, the NDF should never compromise on the quality of armaments and should always work smartly with the limited resources it gets. For the sake of our motherland, the NDF should at all times be well equipped and combat-ready,” he said.


One Namibia, One Nation

Geingob also applauded the NDF leadership for the manner and professionalism shown during the recent recruitments of new NDF members, which saw all Namibian tribes and regions well represented in the various segments of the force. 

“That is what we want to see; one Namibia, one nation! All tribes,
regions, and races of this country were well represented and as commander-
in-chief, it is always good to see all Namibian tribes embracing and associating themselves with the country’s army. The recruitment is well managed, and I am happy. That is the Namibian house we are talking about. Congratulations to the entire NDF leadership,” he said. 

– ohembapu@nepc.com.na