
Crime on the rise in Omusati

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Crime on the rise in Omusati

Omusati region has seen an alarming increase in cases of assault, stock theft, and break-ins, Omusati police revealed.

The latest crime statistics of the Omusati region revealed by the region’s governor, Erginus Endjala, during the 2021/22 financial year, show that 4 529 crime cases were reported in Omusati last year and in the first quarter of 2023.

In 2020, the region recorded 3 679 criminal cases.

Omusati police spokesperson, Inspector Anna Kunga said the crime rate in the region is fluctuating, with assault, fraud, and break-in cases on the alarming increase.

She said statistics for crimes of concern in the region between January and November stand at 584.

“These crimes range from gender-based violence to housebreaking, and stock theft,” said the officer.

Kunga said the increase is mostly attributed to alcohol and drug abuse.

“The most prevalent common cases are assault- due to drugs and alcohol abuse,” stated Kunga.

According to her, housebreaking and stock theft cases are the most prevailing crimes in the region.

“A recurrent of stock theft for mostly goats, donkey, cattle and rape cases have been observed,” she indicated.

She said that the region had recorded an increase of 348 house break-ins and 221 stock theft cases this year.

“Thirteen people were killed as a result of gender-based violence,” she added.

Kunga further said as the festive season draws nearer, the Omusati police have cautioned the public to be extra vigilant as cases of housebreaking and theft from vehicles are on the increase.

The police have advised people not to leave any valuables in their vehicles and warned homeowners to be aware of their surroundings.

“The police have urged drivers to adhere to the speed limit during the festive season.  “Drinking and driving will not be tolerated, and the speed limit will be strictly enforced on both urban and national roads. We will not take it easy,” she alerted.

Kunga further said all liquor outlets and shebeen should adhere to the legal operating hours as stipulated on their respective licences, as the police will act against those operating outside their operation hours.

Police will be patrolling the region every 24 hours.

– vkaapanda@nepc.com.na