
Finding your way through change

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Finding your way through change

Lloyd Sikeba


Change is something that happens to all of us, and it can make our lives very different. 

Sometimes, we choose to change – and other times, it just happens. 

But when we decide to become a better version of ourselves, there is often something holding us back: the fear of what other people will think, the fear of what people will say and the past life we are about to leave behind. 

This fear can make the journey of becoming a better person hard, especially when the people around us might not understand.

Wanting to fit in and be liked by others is something we all feel deep inside.  Since ancient times, people have wanted to be part of a group and be recognised by others – more like a tribe that celebrates you and makes you alive. 

But when we are trying to change ourselves, this desire for acceptance can become a problem. 

The groups and people we want to fit into might not like the changes or decisions we are making, and that can make the process of becoming a better person really tough. 

Imagine being discouraged by the people you grew up with or your family just because you are taking a stance to find your way to great heights. One big challenge in this journey is being scared of not doing things the way everyone else does. 

When we start changing, we might do things differently, and that can make us feel like we do not belong anymore.  The fear of standing out or being seen as strange can stop us from growing into the person we want to be.  Philip Sidney once said, “Either I find a way or I will make one”. Have you decided to find your way or make one?

The fear of what others think is also worsened by social media. 

Nowadays, we share a lot of our lives online – and we often look for approval through likes and comments. This can make us afraid of not getting enough likes or positive comments when we are changing. 

The pressure to fit in with online standards can stop us from being true to ourselves and growing. 

Most young people conflict with their digital lifestyle versus reality, and they may find it hard when they want to live an authentic life true to themselves.

Dealing with the fear of what others think when you are trying to change means thinking differently about what society expects from you. 

It means being brave enough to be yourself – even if it means being different. By doing this, you are not only discovering who you are but also showing others that it is okay to be themselves too. It is also important for society to be more understanding and accepting. We need to celebrate the fact that everyone is different and has their own story – be it emotional, financial, family, shelter and more.  By creating a place where being real is not just okay but something to be proud of, we make the world a kinder and more accepting place.

Here is how you can deal with worries about what others think when you are changing:

1. Focus on your growth and well-being.

2. Understand that change is a natural part of life, and people’s opinions may vary.

3. Surround yourself with supportive individuals and embrace the positive aspects of your transformation.

In the end, going through changes while worrying about what others think is hard but necessary. It means being strong enough to go against what society expects, being true to yourself, and creating a community that supports and understands you. 

As you go through this journey, you are not just changing yourself; you are helping make the world a better and more accepting place. 

Remember, you cannot control others’ thoughts, but you can control your response to them.


* Lloyd Sikeba is a motivational and professional speaker, writer, effective coach and men/boy child advocate.