Iipumbu Sakaria
The NSA would like to thank the nation for their efforts in participating and being part of the census. We certainly know that it has not been an easy exercise, however, we are also sure that it provided an opportunity to learn and understand what statistics the NSA collects, what the data is used for and, most importantly, why the NSA collects data. Statistics are relevant for our everyday life. This refers to business, studies, governance, decision making and planning, and most importantly, monitoring where one is. What gets measured usually gets done and what is not measured is often neglected. The statistics NSA was looking for relates do demographic, social, economic and spatial data. The census sought to understand how many people are in Namibia, whether they are male or female, what our income of households looks like, whether people in Namibia are making use of ICT infrastructure, and what type, and all this information is used for various purposes.
Currently, the census exercise is towards its last phase, which deals with quality assurance. This essentially just means that NSA needs to be sure that the data collected is accurate and reflects the situation on the ground. Therefore, until the 24th November 2023 census official will still be going throughout the country in order to determine the quality of statistics collected. This last phase is known as the Post Enumeration Survey (PES) and it loosely translates into after counting survey. It is sample based, meaning not all households will be interviewed, and not all areas in our country. Only a few, randomly selected, enumeration areas and households will be interviewed. We urge the nation to ensure that if your household is part of it to be enumerated and ensure you help us to ensure that the data collected is of quality.
There have also been queries of those that have been counted and those that have not been counted. Rule number one is that, only those that have been in the country on the 24th September 2023 are eligible to be counted. There have been others who had not been counted and NSA had been urging the public to indicate such so that our enumerators could come to your households and ensure you are counted as well. Some households were not enumerated initially simply because there were no responses at those houses and that was usually attributed to people being either at work or school. This is the reason why our enumerators also used to come to households after hours to ensure that people are to be found in their houses. NSA appreciates the gesture of those that indicated that they were not counted and where amends could be made, we sincerely thank you all.
Another matter that was making the rounds was the partial incomplete payment of enumerators. NSA would like to make it crystal clear that each and everybody who has a contract with the NSA and fulfilled those contractual obligations will be paid. The delay was simply caused by the huge number of enumerators, and considering NSA is dealing with public funds, all payments had to be verified to ensure that correct people are paid the correct amount. As we speak, some regions have already been paid and their enumerators are sorted, so as to speak. The verification process was just necessary to do to ensure that NSA complies with its own policies and does not waste or squander public funds. We would like to appreciate those that are waiting for their funds and ensure them that all that did their work will receive what is due to them. Indeed, nobody will be left out.
The census data will be available in 2024 with first the preliminary results, and then the final results will cement the information collected. We urge all those that were counted, and those interested in census data, to be ready and receive, or request that data once it is available. We thank everybody for their contributions and look forward to the finalisation of the last phase of the census so that indeed we have quality statistics for development.
*Iipumbu Sakaria is the Manager of Corporate Communications at the Namibia Statistics Agency.