
Cabinet Briefs – Cabinet decisions issued at the 19th decision-making meeting on 7 November 2023.

Home National Cabinet Briefs – Cabinet decisions issued at the 19th decision-making meeting on 7 November 2023.
Cabinet Briefs – Cabinet decisions issued at the 19th decision-making meeting on 7 November 2023.


1.Third Session of the Namibia-South Africa Bi-National Commission (BNC)

(Submitted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation)

Cabinet took note of the agreed minutes of the third Session of the Namibia-South Africa Bi-National Commission (BNC) and directed the following Offices/Ministries/Agencies to take action and follow up on issues in their respective areas of responsibility: Ministries of International Relations and Cooperation; Industrialisation and Trade; Finance and Public Enterprises; Mines and Energy; Environment, Forestry and Tourism; Fisheries and Marine Resources;  Health and Social Services; Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare; Higher Education, Technology and Innovation; Rural and Urban Development; Youth, Sport and National Service; Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation; Information and Communication Technology; Education, Arts and Culture; Defence and Veterans Affairs; and Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security; and Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB).


2. Request for approval of the updated Nationally- Determined Contributions (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

(Submitted by the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism)

 – Cabinet approved the updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); 

 – Cabinet directed key stakeholder institutions such as the Ministries of Finance and Public Enterprises; Environment, Forestry and Tourism, and the National Planning Commission to implement Climate Budget Tagging (CBT) to accurately track Namibia’s financial contributions to NDC implementation; and 

– Cabinet further directed stakeholder institutions to implement the Nationally Determined Contribution with the utmost urgency.


3. Revised National Housing Policy and Implementation  Action Plan

(Submitted by the Minister of Urban and Rural Development)

– Cabinet approved the Revised National Housing Policy, its Implementation Action Plan and related estimated financial implications to enable improved access to housing, inclusive and sustainable economic development; and the following mechanisms contained in the revised policy of its objectives:

a) Establishment of a structured Housing Subsidy Framework, which focuses on channelling public expenditure towards supporting the lowest (ultra-low and low) income groups where the human development impact and multiplier effects are most effective; 

b) Prioritisation and redistribution of state resources towards the lowest income groups through intensified and mixed-use urban development, which will contribute to socio-economic empowerment impact on the majority of the population and the creation of opportunities for sustainable   and inclusive economic growth; and 

c) Enhanced partnership and incremental development approach at all levels;

d) Development of required capacities and more inclusive and agile structures and mechanisms to ensure the effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Policy Implementation Action Plan.


4. Government Institutions Pension Fund: 18-month Interim Actuarial Valuation Report 

(Submitted by the Prime Minister)

Cabinet took note of the Government Institutions Pension Fund’s (GIPF) 18-month Interim Actuarial Valuation Report-30 September 2023, and directed the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises to monitor the implementation of the conclusion and findings in the valuation report by the Government Institutions Pension Fund.


5. 2022/2023: Annual Report of the Namibia Financial  Institutions Supervisory Authority (Namfisa)

(Submitted by the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises)

Cabinet took note of the 2022/2023 Annual Report for the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (Namfisa), and authorised the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises to table the above-mentioned Report in the National Assembly.


6. 2022/2023: Annual Report of the Road Fund Administration (RFA)

(Submitted by the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises)

Cabinet took note of the 2022/2023 Annual Report for the Road Fund Administration (RFA), and authorised the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises to table the said report in the National Assembly.