
Technology keeps me organised

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Technology keeps  me organised

Jaenique Swartz 


The hustle and bustle of student life is no walk in the park, especially when one has due dates piling up with no idea of how to keep yourself and your workload organised. 

This is a reality for many students, but not for long because My Study Life is a cross-platform planner and study management system for students, teachers and lecturers specifically designed to make your study life easier to manage. 

The application allows you to store your classes, homework and exams in the cloud, allowing you to access it on every device wherever you are. 

No exception to the academic stress is 21-year-old Nicole Limbo, who took time with New Era to discuss how she manages to keep herself organised and well-prepared during the semester, using My Study Life. 

“It works almost like a digital schedule and it allows me to keep track of things, such as classes, assignments and tests. I can be quite forgetful, but this app does a good job at reminding me of things.” 

The scholar is a second-year Political Science student at the University of Namibia but is currently in the Czech Republic at the University of Hradec Kralove for the next five months under a fully-funded exchange programme by Erasmus Plus. 

Limbo emphasised on the importance of staying up to date with her academic responsibilities to ensure she does not fall behind with her tasks, “We have our phones on us 24/7, so taking advantage and using it for every little task is a win-win situation”. 

“I believe technology is the way forward, as it makes our lives so much easier and stress-free. It gives us the ability to have a less cluttered mind and overall environment, as one doesn’t need to manually track everything,” said Limbo. 

Senior communications lecturer at the Namibia University of Science and Technology Clayton Peel stressed that though he is unaware of the application, it is true that students, especially employed part-time students, juggle different responsibilities and need a one-stop close-to-hand notification and alert tool to keep them abreast of their school commitments. 

“Such a platform can help separate the school platform from the other domains that occupy a continuing education student, leaving them frequently overwhelmed. An app such as this, on a student’s personal, will likely work better than reminders on e-learning.” 

He added the application would be a great asset for students to have, and that he fully endorses apps that can make the lives of students easier and relaxed. 

The My Study Life application is owned by an American mother-daughter duo, Gabriella Crick Lewis, a 22-year-old Oxford University undergraduate, who pitched buying My Study Life to her mother, Emma Whittington, in 2019 after using the platform for her academic tasks. 

To date, the company helps over 17 million students worldwide with prioritising their academics. 

The application was created with the aim of making student life easier, more productive and less stressful. 

It places an emphasis on replacing the traditional paper planner and allows for more efficiency in learning and completing tasks. 

It helps students develop the habits to aid in enhancing their academic and personal performance.  

The dashboard function on My Study Life permits you to accurately track and allocate your tasks, tests and exams, using an in-system calendar that makes sure you never miss important dates. 

 – jaeniqueswartz@icloud.com