
VIBEZ!-Dice drops new music, …shines on screen

Home Positive Vibes VIBEZ!-Dice drops new music, …shines on screen
VIBEZ!-Dice drops new music, …shines on screen

Local actor/hip-hop artist Edwardo Lutete, popularly known as ‘Dice’, is making sure to leave his mark in both industries after appearing in multiple movies in 13 locally-produced films that recently aired on DStv, GOtv and Showmax platforms under the theme, ‘Namibia to the world’.

He recently also released his new single, titled ‘My Time’, featuring Page from Ethnix. Dice told VIBEZ!  life has been very challenging the past couple of months, with him juggling his acting career and maintaining a balance on the music scene. 

“It’s been more hands-on and on the go.”

“It’s not easy to be a young professional in Namibia, but I can only be grateful. I give thanks to God,” he said.

On his new track, featuring Page, he felt the timing was now right to work with the latter, as they have been around each other for some time, and he was introduced to him by the late Araffath Muhuure. 

“I have come to know Page for a while. The late Araffath introduced Ethnix to me before the duo was established. As an artist, I found Page to be one of the most rounded and talented musicians in the country. He has proven himself time and time again over the years, so the timing for this collaboration makes perfect sense.”

“I have missed the music scene so much. The industry has grown, and I can appreciate seeing new young music lovers and new groundbreaking artists. My love for music will forever be in me – even though I dedicated some time to learning, thriving and establishing myself in the film and acting industry. I see myself as an artist, and I try to find ways to be innovative.”

Quizzed when fans can expect a full music project, he was quick to point out that he wants to take his time to make good music, which can be appreciated. 

“But at the same time, I would want to be competitive, so we’ll see. The way the music is consumed by the fans also plays a significant role.” ‘Stunner’, as he is affectionately known, highlighted that his acting career is starting to shape up, as he recently featured in some of the movies now streaming on the DStv Showmax Channel.  “The experience was humbling, and I truly believe I have matured over the years with every role I have portrayed. I took the time to learn and research. Most directors and other actors in the various productions helped tremendously in my journey, and I will forever be grateful. This is just the beginning for me, and I am a true believer in my ability to add significant value to the industry moving forward. This is my time,” he said.

Dice feels although people know him by name or his face, he still has to prove to himself that he is deserving of the movie roles. 

“When I get informed about a casting for a potential role in a movie, I show up and audition. It took some time, but I’m glad to see that the industry has welcomed me after all the hard work. It’s not easy,” he said.  He further acknowledged that both roles in different industries are not quite similar, and they can at times be challenging. 

“They are both unique with their own set of challenges, advantages and set of rules. I enjoy both audiences very much. I’m truly blessed to be in this unique position. I’d do it all over if I was given the opportunity,” he added.

– slunyangwe@nepc.com.na