
Reclaiming the inner child

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Reclaiming the inner child

Julina Kaakunga 

Having experienced childhood trauma and finding it difficult to cope as an adult, Justina Kavungo realised how essential it is to create a safe and compassionate space for individuals to share their stories and find support. 

She wanted to offer a platform where people can feel heard and understood, and started ‘Healing Spaces with Justina’ early this month.

This is a relatively new initiative established by Kavungo (36) that seeks to reach out to people battling with childhood trauma. 

The platform explores the impact of childhood experiences and employs support to empower the practice of reconciliation with one’s inner child.

“I will engage with people who are in need of support, engage in conversations with them and allow them to tell their stories. In the same breath, I am engaging experts in various fields who are able to assist with different issues,” she told Vital Signs. 

The conversations will mostly be on social media platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. 

However, those who need support psychologically can reach out through WhatsApp and email info@healingspacesafrica.org.

The target audience of this programme is adults who are battling with childhood trauma and children’s caregivers to employ prevention measures against childhood trauma.

“Childhood trauma can manifest in various ways, often affecting our relationships, self-esteem and overall mental health. By addressing these deep-rooted wounds, we can break free from negative patterns, develop healthier coping mechanisms and cultivate a more fulfilling life,” added Kavungo.

‘Healing Spaces’ encourages heartfelt, open conversations and engagement amongst one another, fostering a supportive environment where individuals can connect with others who have experienced similar trauma. 

This sense of belonging and shared understanding can be incredibly healing in itself. Experts will also share insightful approaches towards navigating the path of healing. 

 The platform aims to raise awareness about the long-lasting effects of childhood trauma, as most people may not fully understand or recognise the impact these experiences can have on their lives. 

By shedding light on this topic, Kavungo hopes to encourage individuals to explore their past and acknowledge any unresolved wounds.

 ‘Healing Space’ also seeks to break the silence surrounding childhood trauma, as it is common for individuals to carry the weight of their past in secrecy due to shame, fear or societal stigma. 

 Furthermore, the aim is to direct people towards the available facilities that offer support of that nature because support is available, but individuals lack the knowledge of how to access it. 

Therefore, availing this information will be beneficial, and ‘Healing Space’ will share and enlighten people to enable them to access support. 

“I understand that healing is a unique and personal process, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, the intention is to empower individuals to take control of their healing journey and discover the strategies that resonate with them.”

Kavungo currently works with a support team of producers and directors. At the moment, she has not signed up with associates, except the ones she is yet to interview. 

“I am looking forward to working with stakeholders whose mandate is within similar lines of what I am doing to support the cause,” she noted.

Content producer for Healing Space Paula Namundjembo is in charge of filming and editing the videos, as well as assisting the guests who will be hosted on the platform. 

She said the issue of childhood trauma is a significant concern affecting individuals worldwide. 

“The platform is a commendable initiative, which provides a valuable resource for individuals dealing with childhood trauma and all types of trauma,” said Namundjembo, adding that they are currently a small team but will hopefully grow in the near future.

Through its emphasis on community support, access to mental health professionals and educational resources, this platform significantly influences individuals’ healing journeys. 

By offering a safe and inclusive space, the ‘Healing Space’ platform facilitates the exploration of emotions and access to evidence-based therapies, and fosters resilience in those affected by childhood trauma.

 Ultimately, this platform has the potential to transform lives, promoting healing and empowering individuals to overcome the lasting impact of their traumatic experiences.

“I hope to raise awareness, break the silence, provide practical exercises, foster community and contribute to generational healing. I envision a world where individuals can release the burdens of their childhood trauma and reclaim their inner child. Throughout our lives, the experiences and emotions from our early years can significantly impact our overall well-being and hinder personal growth,” Kavungo reiterated.

– julinak990@gmail.com