
19-year jail term for raping minor

Home Crime and Courts 19-year jail term for raping minor

Maria Amakali

Windhoek – The Windhoek Regional Court yesterday sentenced a man to 19 years behind bars for having sexually violated a minor in 2015.

Michael Goeieman, 27, was on trial for raping a 10-year-old on the night of December 12, 2015 in Katutura. The court found Goeieman guilty of rape and consequently sentenced him to 19 years imprisonment.
According to the rape victim, who took the stand during the trial, Goeieman on the date in question went to ask for water at the victim’s house. The victim was with her mother and sibling when he knocked on the door. Having been given water, he left only to return later when the victim’s mother had left the house.

The victim said that Goeieman told the victim that her mother had been stabbed and they needed her passport. In the midst of it all, Goeieman took out a knife and told her not to scream.

He took her to the riverbed where he forced himself on her, according to the victim. The victim explained that she was sexually violated, and sodomised, multiple times. The victim’s testimony indicated that Goeieman at one point threatened to stone her to death. The victim reported the gruesome ordeal to her mother and grandmother after she managed to escape from Goeieman.

The victim’s mother confirmed in court that Goeieman, who is from their neighborhood, was at her home on that day when she offered him water and introduced him to her children (including the victim).

She said that she left the house and went back hours later. Upon her arrival at home the victim was not in sight. A search was conducted but the victim showed up in a state of shock. The mother informed the court that she observed that the victim had blood between her legs and no underwear. Due to the serious injuries the victim had to be admitted to hospital to get stitches on her private parts.

Although medical reports taken on the date of the incident confirmed the sexual assault, Goeieman denied any wrongdoing. Without disputing the fact that he was at the victim’s house on that day, Goeieman said that he was at the bar the whole day.

“The fact that nobody can account for all his movements on that night leaves room for speculation and opportune […….] the accused version is false and unreliable,” said Magistrate Alexis Diergaardt in her judgement. Fillemon Nyau was prosecuting.